"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Sunday, January 19, 2014

John Cornyn Is A RINO

If you listen to talk radio, I know you've heard the commercials. How could you avoid them?

 "John Cornyn, he's conservative, like you."

Conservative like who? I'm conservative and so is just about everyone I know. We believe in smaller, limited government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, individual liberty, self reliance, personal responsibility, and the U.S. Constitution. Senator Cornyn would have you believe that he's a proponent of all those things too. But, what he says and how he governs are two very different things. During his 12 years in the senate, the national debt has increased by ten trillion dollars, and you can't blame it all on Barack Obama and the Democrats. During the first four years of his first term, George W. Bush was president and the Republicans controlled both houses of congress. The Bush administration and the Republican controlled congress oversaw the biggest increase in federal spending in U.S. history, to that point. Senator Cornyn has repeatedly voted to raise the U.S. debt ceiling; not only with Bush, but with Obama as well. He has repeatedly voted for increased spending on food stamps, farm subsidies, medicare expansion, and extensions of unemployment benefits. He worked with the Democrats and GOP leadership to end Senator Ted Cruz's filibuster to defund Obamacare. In December of 2012 he voted for a tax increase for top income earners (job creators), increases to capital gains and dividend taxes, extension of the marriage penalty, and extension of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which, basically pays low income couples and individuals for having children. He supported those tax increases without any demand for spending cuts. He has repeatedly voted against limiting farm subsidies, repealing sugar subsidies, and pay as you go legislation that would prevent congress from passing any law that increases the federal debt. Is there anything even remotely fiscally conservative here?

What about individual liberty? Senator Cornyn has consistently voted for re-authorization of the patriot act. On several occasions, he has voted against bills that would prohibit the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, without being charged or brought to trial. Let me make this clear; John Cornyn is in favor of policies that allow government bureaucrats to imprison U.S. citizens, indefinitely, without charging them with a crime or allowing them their day in court. He has voted in support of programs that have allowed the government to view, collect, and store the emails, phone conversations, and financial records of American citizens without warrant or probable cause. Really? Is this the United States of America or the Soviet Union?

Senator Cornyn has joined Barack Obama in endorsing an immigration reform bill that would grant amnesty to current and future illegal aliens without doing anything to secure the borders. This is, essentially, an open borders policy. I was born and raised in Texas, and these are NOT conservative Texas values. Texans are conservative like Ted Cruz, and senate candidate Dwayne Stovall. John Cornyn is conservative like John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Barack Obama. Putting an "R" beside your name and talking tough at election time doesn't make you a conservative; it just makes you a RINO. We can't let Karl Rove, the GOP establishment, and their billionaire donors keep choosing our candidates. Texas should decide who will represent us in Washington.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Porn Industry is More Competent Than Obama

I never thought Obamacare was about providing health care. I think it's intended to fail, leading us to socialized medicine and socialism in general. But, if I'm wrong and they really thought this was going to work; then the Obama administration is the stupidest, most incompetent bunch of assholes on the face of the earth. As a matter of fact, they still are, even if I'm right. For this thing to be the failure that I think they want it to be; people actually need access to it. These dumb bastards spent 3 years and almost a billion dollars, building a website that's unusable. It isn't hard to navigate or too slow, and it doesn't have a few glitches; people, literally, can't log on to the damn thing. Even by government standards, which are the lowest on the planet, this thing is still a colossal failure! Forget about comparing it to Ebay and Amazon; for crying out loud, the PORN industry operates thousands of sites, get billions of hits daily, and people have absolutely no problem accessing their products. Let me clear something up too; this isn't just typical government bureaucracy. This unprecedented level of stupidity, is the direct result of the election of Barack Obama; the stupidest president in U.S. history, and second place isn't even close. I never bought that crap about this guy being a genius, but I had no idea he was such a gigantic dumbass! Jimmy Carter makes this guy look like Einstein! This is his signature legislation, so let me sum it up again. Anyone with a kindergarten education and an internet connection can be watching midget porn in less than a minute. But college graduates can't logon to healthcare.gov. The most expensive website in history...and midget porn kicks it's ass! Is there anything else that needs to be said?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We Need A Second Party, Not A Third

The Democrats are the problem! Right? If the Republicans can just take back the senate, and win the White House, next election, we'll turn this thing around! Anybody really believe that? I used to. We need to drop the illusion of a two party system, battling it out over ideology; we haven't had that in years. Conservatives need a new party; not a third party, a second one! Because, right now, we only have one. It has two names, and two faces; but they're on the same side, and it's not the side of the people that elected them. Let's call them Republocrats! As conservatives, we like to ridicule Democrat voters, as imbeciles, blindly following their party, without a clue what's really going on. But which voters are really stupid, them or us? Democrat politicians have a simple message for their voters: "Vote for us, and we'll attack the rich, and give you their stuff. Free housing, food, spending money, health care, college, cell phones; you name it. And it won't cost you a damn thing!" After being elected, Democrats do a pretty damn good job of delivering. Maybe those voters aren't so stupid after all; just kidding, of course they are. But, what about us? Republicans tell us they're gonna cut taxes, cut spending, shrink the government, and curb regulations; they tell us, they're the conservative party. When's the last time they were actually anything close to that, thirty years ago maybe? But we just keep voting for them! They can't stop the Democrats, they WON'T stop the Democrats; because they are the Democrats! As tough as that is for me to admit, and as much as a lot of you hate to hear it, we need to own up to it and do something about it before we wake up in the Soviet Union. We put George W. Bush in the White House for two terms, with a Republican congress for six years. What the hell do we have to show for it?

Did they cut spending? Hell No! They increased it by 38%!

Did they reduce the national debt? Hell No! They added $5 trillion to it!

Did they reform entitlements? Hell No! They passed an unfunded expansion of Medicare, that will cost taxpayers at least $1 trillion over the next decade, and they doubled food stamp spending and added eleven million people to the program!

Did they shrink government? Hell No! They added the DHS and the TSA!

Did they curb government regulations? Hell No! They passed laws, telling us what kind of light bulbs and toilets to put in our homes!

Did they reduce federal intervention in schools? Hell No! They passed "No Child Left Behind"!

Did they reform our ludicrous 75,000 page tax code? Hell No! They gave us minimal tax cuts, and didn't even make them permanent! 

Did they protect individual liberty, and defend the constitution? Hell No! They passed "The Patriot Act", then abused it!

Did they give us a conservative court? Hell No! They gave us Chief Justice John Roberts, who ruled that it was constitutional for the federal government to force us to buy health insurance!

They did all this, while they controlled every damn branch of the federal government! Obama didn't need any new ideas on big government, Bush and the Republicans conducted an 8 year seminar! Please don't tell me "Yeah, but Obama did it more, he's worse." Yes, and AIDS is worse than Herpes, but I'd rather not have either one! In 2010, the Tea Party carried the GOP to win back a majority in the House. What the hell do we have to show for it? The IRS is acting like the KGB, attacking political opposition and freedom of speech. Has the house majority even threatened to cut their funding, or at least cut funding for the 16,000 new agents they're hiring to enforce Obamacare? They control the purse strings right? Yeah, about as well as Lindsay Lohan controls her substance abuse! Have the put up any resistance to raising the debt ceiling? Yeah, about like Rosie O'Donnell, resisting another piece of pie! They don't fight against any of this crap, because they believe in it, they want a big, strong, powerful federal government. They want as many people as possible to be totally dependent on government, because, then, you can control them. Hey morons! Yeah, Democrat voters, you need to pull your heads out of your substantial asses too! That means you have to quit lying on them for a minute. Remember when you were all pissed about Bush, meddling in foreign countries, and starting wars, getting soldiers killed? I thought you were the party of the ACLU and civil rights. I thought Bush was a Nazi and a murderer. What the hell, all you self righteous, hypocritical bastards have a change of heart? Your president doesn't torture terror suspects, he just kills them! You losers are just as pathetic as us, but at least you do get your free stuff. All we get is the bill! But talking to liberals is a waste of time. They can't change, they'd lose their houses, their health care, their phones, and starve to death. The minds we have to change are on the right. We can let Karl Rove and the Republocrats keep fooling us by cross dressing as conservatives, or we can build a new, second party; cause we only have one right now!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Being A Dad

I guess we all wish we had a father like Bill Cosby, Ward Cleaver, or Howard Cunningham; after we become dads ourselves, we want to be one of those dads. It'd be great to have just the right mix of compassion and discipline, and always have the perfect words or anecdote for every situation. But, we live in Realville, and most of us just aren't like that. You notice I didn't mention any current TV dads; that's because all of them are idiots; except Tom Selleck's Frank Reagan, on Bluebloods, he's genius and his name is Reagan. Anyway, when I was 15, I got my first job, working for anyone other than my dad. A guy that was renting a piece of property from my parents, owned a full service gas station, and offered me a summer job. I loved it! I worked about 50 hours a week, and brought home about a hundred bucks. I know that will barely pay for a stop at Buccee's these days, but in 1977, it was a pretty good chunk of change for 15 year old. One Friday, my mom picked me up from work and I mentioned that my pay check had been docked about 15 dollars. The register had come up short, and the owner had written a note, saying the shortage had been split between the 5 or 6 of of us that worked there. Later that night, my dad came and asked me about it: "Did you take the money?" he asked, "No", "Then why were you charged for it?", "Uh, damned if I know." Dad told me "That's bullshit!, a business owner can't just spread his losses out between his employees." He told me to go tell the guy, that I wanted my money or I was quitting. This was easy since the guy lived in our back yard. He also said, "If you don't want to tell him, I'll do it for you. The only people that are going to stand up for you, are you and me." So, I went and told the guy, and he gave me my money, then I got another job. Right there, in that one incident, I learned two very important things; the phrase I would use more than any other in life, "That's Bullshit!", and I learned to stand up for what's right, for yourself, and definitely for your kids. My dad was tough, and a lot of times he wasn't fair. That taught me life's tough, and it ain't fair, you just have to suck it up and deal with it, because whining about it doesn't do any good. When he warned me about things I shouldn't do, I thought he was full of crap, and it really sucked, EVERY, SINGLE TIME, when he turned out to be right. But, he let me make my own mistakes and see the consequences. Then, if I needed him to, he helped me fix it. Hardheadedness runs in my family, we usually have to learn things the hard way; the key is, we learn. My dad was a contractor, he left work before daylight and got home after dark, 7 days a week a lot of times. Regardless of how good or bad the economy was, he went to work, every day. Me and my two younger brothers go to work, every day. Some of the best leading, is by example. This past spring, my dad survived radiation and chemotherapy for lung cancer, and my oldest son and daughter-in-law, had my first grandson. Being a parent is tough. There's about a million ways you can screw up, and you almost have to get lucky, to get it right. It also helps to marry someone who's smarter than you, like I did. None of us are perfect, but, I think the biggest part of being a good parent, is putting in the effort. It's a lot of work; it's also, by far, the most rewarding and important thing I've ever done. As today's parents, it's our job to save the planet from the future generation, who are being raised by morons; and it's a big job because there are a bunch of them. So, all of you spend some time, today or tomorrow, with your dad and your kids. It'll mean more than anything you could buy them. Don't you love how I just told you all how to spend your weekend? Writing a blog is like being a parent and that's why I like it. I can tell other people what they should do. They probably never do it, but I enjoy telling them, just the same. Happy Father's Day to my dad, my son Triston, my two brothers, and all my buddies that are fighting the battle like me! Have a great weekend!

By the Way, I used the biggest font possible for this post. So all you old geezers, like me, trying to read this on your phone, won't have to get your readers out!

Friday, June 7, 2013

What Would the Founding Fathers Do?


"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."
Patrick Henry 

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."   
Thomas Jefferson

 "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves."  
William Pitt

 "A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity." 
Thomas Jefferson

 "Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

 "Generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."
Barack Obama

There are a lot of people who think the U.S. Constitution is an obsolete document; that since it was written over 200 years ago, it's not really feasible to apply it to today's issues. I think that, if the last few weeks show us anything, it's that The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the beliefs of the Founding Fathers, are more relevant than ever. As Patrick Henry stated in the quote above, the purpose of the constitution, is to restrain or limit the power of government; to shield the people from overreaching, tyrannical government. The quote by President Obama, proves that he understands this; he just thinks it's a bad thing. There's so much more that government could do, but, The Constitution forbids it. So, he ignores The Constitution; out of "necessity". We "need" to provide health care for everyone, so it's acceptable to force the people into buying it, for themselves and those who can't afford it. We need to make sure everyone has a home, food, cell phones, high speed Internet, and a college education, so it's OK to force one half of the people to provide these things to the other half. We need to be sure Muslims and nonbelievers aren't offended, so it's OK to restrain the religious freedoms of Christians. We need to provide free birth control to anyone who wants it, so it's OK to force the Catholic Church to pay for it, which violates their beliefs. We need to catch terrorists and other criminals, so we must allow TSA agents to search the genitals of airline passengers, we must allow the government free access to the private phone records and emails of citizens without requiring them to show constitutional probable cause, and we must wave constitutional protection for any citizen that president decides is an enemy combatant. We "need" the government to protect us from everything, including ourselves; and, as William Pitt said of necessity, "It is the argument of tyrants" and "the creed of slaves".We have traded so much of our liberty, in exchange for what we were told was safety and, as Ben Franklin said, we now, "deserve neither"; and that's exactly what we've received. The key word in the last couple of statements is "we"; we the people have allowed this to happen; in many cases, "we've" willingly surrendered our freedom or asked government to take it. No, I don't like Barack Obama, I think he's arrogant, destructive, un-American, and a tyrant. But, to blame all this on Obama and the Democrats is ignorant and cowardly. I think our two party political system is the root of all evil, and is destroying our nation. For decades, both parties have been equally willing to violate the constitution and infringe on the freedom of the people, so long as it furthered their agenda. "We" the people have looked the other way, or encouraged them, if they were members of our party. The federal government has absolutely no constitutional authority to intervene in the affairs of private business, with the exception of regulating foreign trade and interstate commerce. But, Richard Nixon and the Republicans created OSHA and unleashed it on the private sector over 40 years ago. "We" tolerated it because we "need" to keep workers safe. The tenth amendment to the constitution says:

 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

I'm not a constitutional scholar, but it's not a long document, and I can read. No where, does it delegate authority for worker's safety to the federal government. Michele Obama is widely criticized for telling us what to eat, particularly, what to feed our kids. But, George W. Bush and the Republican congress gave us "No Child Left Behind", which legally defined what we can feed our kids when they're at school. "We" "need" healthy kids. But again, there's not a word in the constitution that gives the federal government any authority to oversee the diets of our kids or to intervene in education. As for the daily revelations of the government seizing phone records, emails, Internet browsing histories, and spying on us with camera drones, Senator Harry Reid said yesterday, that everyone just needs to calm down, because this stuff has been going on for years; and he's right. Well, I don't think we need to calm down, but, it has been going on for years; and Obama didn't start it. After the attack on 9/11, Americans were, rightly, scared. President Bush seized on this fear and passed "The Patriot Act". We were told that it would force law enforcement agencies to share information, which would help prevent future terrorist attacks; all of which sounds sensible. However, it also did a lot of other things. The Patriot Act, authorized government to obtain warrants for "roving wire taps", which means the warrant can apply to multiple of infinite phone lines. That's how they show justify seizing the phone records of hundreds of millions of people. How do you show probable cause for seizing that number or records? The act also allows government to obtain a warrant and conduct surveillance on people without being required to tell them; as was the case with Fox reporter James Rosen. The Patriot Act also expanded the number of judges that can issue these warrants; allowing the justice department to go shopping for judges, as they did in the Rosen case, until they find one that agrees; in the Rosen case, it took 3 judges before one bit.

The point of that boring history lesson is that; "we", all of us, elected the government that has committed these violations of our constitutional rights. And, regardless of any Supreme Court decision, they are, clearly, violations of the constitution. 

Amendment I
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Is the IRS, EPA, and OSHA intimidation and harassment of Tea Party groups, not a violation of their rights to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government? Is forcing the Catholic Church to provide birth control to it's employees, not a prohibition of the free exercise of their religion?

Amendment II
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Are laws that make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to buy guns, or that restrict the type and capacity of guns, not an infringement or the right to keep and bear arms?

Amendment IV
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Is the seizure of the personal data and records of millions of people, not unreasonable? Has a sworn oath of probable cause for seizing my phone records, emails, and Internet activity been given?

Amendment X
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Has the federal government not infringed on thousands of rights, which were reserved to the states or the people?

Maybe The Constitution needs some changes. We have a process for that, and it's been done before. But, if the government is not bound or restrained by The Constitution, the the only thing left to govern us is despotism. The founding fathers foresaw this possibility, and Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

There's no doubt in my mind what the founders would do, and political party or affiliation would never enter the conversation. The question is: What are we gonna do?  Whatever the answer is, we better get started.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Government Porkers

In light of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's large Coke ban being thrown out by the courts last week, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at just how successful previous government policies have been in rescuing our fat asses from an early death. The answer is that, like everything our government attempts, they suck at weight loss! Are you surprised? Me neither. If we look at just the last decade, the results are laughable; and this is according to the government themselves. I don't trust this data for a second, but according to the CDC, from 2000-2008, childhood obesity rates increased for every single age group. This, despite the fact that federal and state officials, such as Republican President George W. Bush and Texas Governor Rick Perry signed laws mandating what parents can and can't feed their kids. That's right, they told us what to feed our kids and our kids got fatter! On the positive side, I guess this gave an economic boost to the makers of plus size children's clothing. The beauty of this is, even though they have the power to manipulate the data or just flat out lie; their own research shows these policies to be a complete failure. So, if you're the newly elected president or the mayor of the biggest city in the country, how do you reverse the failed policies of your predecessors? Obviously, you just implement bigger, stronger versions of the exact same policies. It's ironic that, while our elected leaders continually find newer, better ways to suck at everything they do; they never even attempt the one thing they could be great at. We should easily be the biggest producers of pork in the history of the universe.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Dumbass!

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry did a press conference at at the offices of Thigpen Energy in Cut N Shoot, Texas. Thigpen Energy is a perfect example of the vision, philosophy, spirit, and individual character that made the United States the greatest economic power in world history. It's about one guy or, in some cases, a group of guys or ladies, risking everything they have on an idea or a dream. Small business owners like this devote their entire lives to it, they work day and night; weekends and holidays. They answer their phones 24/7. They do it for a variety of reasons. Some are simply adventurous, others seek independence; most of them want a chance to control their own destiny and, you're damn right, they want to make money. I'm not sure when the idea of making a lot of money became crime in America; but it's bullshit and it's time we addressed it head on. After Perry's press conference at Thigpen, an assclown named Emily Deprang, who writes fairy tales for a communist rag called the Texas Observer, did a hit piece on Perry, and she took some shots at Thigpen Energy as well. I'm not a big Rick Perry guy, but I'm a huge fan of Sam Thigpen, Thigpen Energy, and the millions of other small business owners who continue to create jobs and power the economic engine of this country; despite the best efforts of our federal government to destroy them. This Deprang moron and the ignorant jackasses she works for are representative of the culture that our federal government has intentionally created. It was bad enough when they all just sat on their worthless asses, and we had to support them. But, since the election of Barack Obama in '08, and especially since his recent re-election; these do nothing parasites have become increasingly more vocal in complaining about the level to which working Americans take care of their sorry asses. Anyone who supports traditional, conservative values, self reliance, personal responsibility, and hard work is crucified and labeled racist, greedy, uncaring, mean spirited, or homophobic. Successful people and corporations are treated as if they went in and stole the food from a table in an orphanage. The reason these attacks have gotten worse and more frequent, is that those of us on the receiving end haven't fought back; we just keep taking it. We don't want to be called any of those names and we don't want to seem insensitive or un-compassionate. It's time to address it in the only terms these scum bags are capable of understanding. So listen up lefties, bums, welfare queens, community activists, race baiters, and anyone else that's trying to gnaw off the hands that have been feeding them; I'm not doing this just because I'm unafraid of the name calling. I'm doing it because it's fun; I'm gonna really enjoy it! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you worthless, ungrateful assholes have a lot to be thankful for. Since I know you have no idea who you should thank, start with God! If you don't know who I'm talking about; Google it! FYI, he doesn't live in the White House. Even though I'm sure that the God I worship would like to slap the living shit out of every one of you, he is forgiving. Anyway, it's probably me I was thinking of that wants to slap the shit out of you. When you finish thanking God, start thanking me and the millions of hard working conservatives just like me, that have been taking care of a lot of you stupid bastards for your entire lives. You should be eternally thankful because you did NOTHING to earn it, you're not entitled to it, and you definitely don't deserve it! YOU'RE WELCOME ASSWIPES! Basically, you idiots can be divided in to three groups; 
  • Some of you are crackheads. You may not actually smoke crack, your drug might be pot, booze, coke, prescription painkillers, sex, or gambling. The point is, you have no self discipline; you're weak! You can't hold a job or support yourself because you want something else more. But make no mistake, you're not a victim and you're not sick. This is your fault and no one else's. Sick people go to the doctor and get help; you live this way because you choose to and because the government allows you to. 
  • A bunch of you are bums. Maybe all of you you don't live under bridges, but the bottom line is; you'd rather sit on your asses than work. You don't deserve free housing, health care, food, phones, or any of the other free shit you get; and we sure as hell don't owe it to you. You get it because politicians have manipulated your dumb asses into voting for them. It's like the way you reward a dog, by giving him a treat for rolling over or fetching a stick. "Punch the button in the voting booth. Good boy! Now come get your bacon strip!"
  • This third group actually encompasses the first two as well. YOU'RE STUPID! You can't figure out anything for yourselves. You can be easily manipulated into anything. You have descended to a level of ignorance that would prevent most of you from surviving without your caretakers (conservatives). You've chosen a life of servitude in exchange for minimal rations of food and money. The key word here is "chosen"; You picked this life. YOU'RE STUPID!
Wow! I sure feel better! Not only do you have a lot to be thankful for, I'm extremely thankful that I got a chance to explain it to you. Try to enjoy these approaching holidays because the next four years are gonna suck; bad! Not for us conservatives, we know how to take care of ourselves. The government will take more of our money, but we'll be OK. But, it's gonna get really bad for those of you who voted for a daddy instead of a president. I would feel sorry for you; if you hadn't begged for it. As it is; I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS! Happy Thanksgiving!