"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Friday, April 8, 2011

Government Shutdown? Stop Teasing Us

Just a few thoughts on the looming federal government shutdown:
  • If only it were true.I wish the media would stop talking about it because I'm getting all excited and setting myself up for a big letdown when it doesn't happen. Listening to the media hype, you would think a giant asteroid was on it's way to destroy the planet. Give me a break. Other than the military and some of the law enforcement branches, we're talking about the most useless, incompetent, corrupt, bloated, over paid, and blatantly stupid organization in the history of the universe. The vast majority of it should shutdown immediately and never, ever come back. For Example:
  • The Department of Education-Nothing but a federal advocacy group for teachers unions and every other politically correct group of leftist blowhards in the country. Since it was established under the helpful hand of that idiot Jimmy Carter, the public education system has been in a catastrophic free fall; while hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet.Schools should be managed locally, by the people who use them. The idea that the federal government can contribute anything of value is absurd, as we can see from the results.
  • The Department of Energy-They loan money to other nations to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but refuse permits to American companies. Do we really need to say anything else. By the way, did you catch the president's comment about gas prices yesterday? It was, basically, "If you drive an SUV or some other gas guzzler; then stop bitching about gas prices. You should have bought one of those fifty thousand dollar golf carts like I told you to." This, from a guy who's always in a limo and leads an organization whose preferred mode of transportation is the Chevy Suburban. Of course, they don't have to worry about gas prices since we buy their gas.
  • The Department of Labor-I got OSHA's weekly newsletter via email a few days ago and one of the headlines was "OSHA Hosts Regional Summits to Promote Latino Worker Safety and Health". So I guess injuries and fatalities to white and black workers are just the cost of doing business these days. They also want to make sure immigrant workers are paid fairly. Think I'm making it up, check out this link:http://webapps.dol.gov/calendar/detail.asp?event_id=2767 Shouldn't they at least change their name to "The Department of Latino and Immigrant Labor" Probably just a coincidence that Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, is a Latino.
  • The EPA-Their mission is to eliminate the jobs that the departments of energy and labor miss. It's impossible to estimate how many businesses and jobs have been forced out of America by this useless bureaucracy. The crowning achievement to four decades of stupidity came in 2009 when they declared Co2 a health hazard.
  • The I.R.S.-The single biggest reason for the current state of affairs in America. For those who manage to survive all of the other government road blocks to success; the I.R.S. is there to punish them for being greedy. Just this week, we learned about "wealth squads". These groups of agents exist for the purpose of auditing the "rich", who currently pay about 70% of all income taxes. Somehow, I doubt this will be one of the agencies affected by the shutdown.
If we ever have a real government shutdown, that loud noise you hear will be the big ass party going on at my house.