"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Democrats Take Emergency Measures to Battle Deadly Heat

Warning!!!, EXTREME HEAT ADVISORY, It's going to be really, really hot today. The National Weather Service says temperatures could reach about the same levels they do every year around this time. In response to this extreme "Weather Crisis", President Obama and congressional Democrats have vowed to take bold steps to protect Americans...who vote for Democrats. Temperatures in some parts of the country are expected to exceed 100 degrees, but according to the new, "super-secret heat index", developed by former Vice President Al Gore, it will feel like it's 700-800 degrees. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said she has heard rumors of some people "just spontaneously bursting into flames". All of the leaders of the Democratic party agree that this heat wave is a lingering result of the Bush Tax Cuts. Speaking from a Washington country club, just prior to teeing off, President Obama said, "As you know, I inherited this weather and reversing it has been an even bigger challenge than we expected. This is just one of the things that happens when you allow people to keep too much of the money they earn." The President then said he was calling on congress to send him legislation that would confiscate the air conditioners of millionaires and billionaires, who make over $ 250 thousand a year; along with anyone else who has a job. "As President, I can't just sit back and allow corporate jet owners and hedge fund managers to keep sipping their Slurpees and relaxing in the cool indoors , while seniors, babies, pregnant mothers, cancer patients, illegal immigrants, and other potential Democratic voters sweat like pigs in this heat. It's just not fair." Even former President Bill Clinton joined the effort to relieve the devastating effects of the soaring temperatures. Speaking to a group of college coeds at Brown University, Clinton urged the young women to be proactive in battling the heat, while working to conserve energy. "Turn your thermostats up to 80 and shed some of those excess clothes. When I was a kid in Arkansas, during the summer, we would wear nothing but thin white tee shirts, then pour pitchers of ice water over each others heads. You have no idea how refreshing that is. In fact, I have couple of tee shirts right here, if I can get some volunteers." Senate majority leader Harry Reid said he plans to introduce a bill that would appropriate $500 billion to provide Gatorade, snow cones, and slip-n-slides to America's most vulnerable...Democrats. "We believe that refreshing snacks and backyard water toys are a basic human right." Reid added that additional "weather stimulus" could be necessary in the winter; as the Democrats are expecting some cold weather, especially up north.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blatant Hypocrisy or Rampant Stupidity, Which is Worse?

Now that the fine representatives in congress have agreed to solve our debt problem by borrowing some more money, let's look at what we've been told and see if it's anywhere in the neighborhood of reality. The Republicans say that this was the best deal they could make and at least there were no tax increases. Both sides tell us that this will prevent a default, preserve our AAA credit rating, and ensure that seniors and the poor continue to receive their government checks. I think there are two possible conclusions we can draw about the people who are telling us these things; They're either blatant hypocrites and serial liars, or they're incredibly stupid. For people who hear these things and believe them, only the second option is available. Let's start with taxes. This was supposedly where Republicans drew the line, no tax increases on the rich; which, by the way, Democrats would want even if there were no debt problem. So, as of this minute, income tax rates have not increased. Therefore, Republicans see this as a victory. Only, it looks like letting the Bush tax cuts expire is a possible condition of this bill. As bad as that would be for the economy, it's the least of the taxes this will trigger. Our government just agreed to assume $2.4 trillion in additional debt. Debt is money that's supposed to be paid back, with interest. So where does the government get money? Obviously, from us; they really don't have any other options. I guess they could have a big garage sale, or list some stuff on Ebay, but everything they have to sell is ours anyway; and it's not near enough to cover this tab. So, at some point taxes will be increased, on everyone; not just millionaires and billionaires. But taxes can't be raised enough to pay this bill; even if they confiscated all of the money in America. So, the govt. will do what they've done ever since we went off the gold standard, just print more money. The people, or countries, who hold this debt will accept the new money, wet ink and all, because they really have no choice. But, they're going to demand more of it because they know we just printed it, therefore, all American money is less valuable. No matter how much liberals hate the law of supply and demand, they can't get around it. The more there is of something, the less valuable it is. For us taxpayers, this means our money will buy less food, clothing, gas, and electricity than it did before. This has already occurred as a result of the ridiculous spending of Bush and Obama and it's going to get worse, probably much worse. This is the hidden tax that no one in government, except Ron Paul, wants to talk about. If the price of sugar, wheat, or cotton doubles, that's a 100% tax increase on that item, and everyone buys those things. Those hit hardest, here's where the hypocrisy comes in, are those with the least amount of money; seniors and low income families. We'll all feel it, but if you're living on social security, which hasn't seen an increase in three years and is a meager existence anyway; this will be devastating. The same is true for food stamp recipients and those on other forms of govt. assistance. What about the middle class union workers? Well, the retirement savings you have in those lucrative pension funds just got a lot less valuable. You might be better off to just cash out and go to Vegas right now. These groups are the Democrat's base of voters, the people that have blindly supported them with campaign donations and votes, the ones who believe Republicans want to push them off a cliff in a wheel chair; and they've just been sodomized in the shower by the people they thought were protecting them. Those of us who support Republicans didn't get treated much better, but at least a lot of us understand what happened and will try to do something about it. The way I see it, 25-30 members of congress tried to look out for the people that they work for and our Vice President called them terrorists. As for the alleged $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years, they're imaginary, based on budgeting tricks that only make sense to politicians. Spending will continue to increase by hundreds of billions every year. Even if these cuts were real, they wouldn't come close to addressing the problem. Obama gets 2.4 trillion now, but we cut 1 trillion in a decade? Am I the only person here that went to math class? I'm not one of the people who believes both parties are colluding to bring down America. I think a lot of them are just out of touch with reality or stupid, maybe they believe their own rhetoric. The rest of them know what's going on and, either don't care, or are doing it intentionally. The more desperate and dependent on government people become, the more control govt. will have over those lives. The irony is; while claiming to want a more equal sharing of the wealth, what they've accomplished is a more equal sharing of the bills. In the end, I'm not sure what's worse: Scheming and plotting to destroy a great nation, or being too stupid to notice while it's happening right under your nose.