"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" Joshua 24:15

"All great change in America begins at the dinner table."
Ronald Reagan

The picture above was taken by the owner of "Skyline Burrito Bowls" in Lufkin, Texas. It's just a group of Lufkin firefighters saying a prayer before their meal. One of them is my oldest son Triston. If, like me, you sometimes wonder what ever happened to old fashioned American values; they're alive and well in East Texas. In the first 13 hours that the picture was posted on Facebook, it had over 11,000 likes and 200 shares. Last week, I was touched by the public response to the cheerleader of Kountze High School, which is also in East Texas. These girls are standing up to athiests and courts, who want to ban them from creating banners with bible verses written on them, for their football players to run through before games. In just a couple of weeks, their Facebook group has over 43,000 members. It's not just a Texas thing either; the support for these young people is coming from all over the country. We really are a "Silent Majority"! I guess every generation, as it ages, complains about how the new generation "just doesn't get it". We need to stop that, this generation get's it. Sure, the ones we notice most often are the ones with multiple body piercings or the idiots of the occupy movement. But, walking the walk below the radar, are firefighters, cheerleaders, and people like Lila Rose, who founded the pro-life organization Live Action, when she was 15, or the teenage Chic-Fil-A drive through worker, who smiled and politely offered a jackass customer water, as he spewed hate at her for the views of her company CEO. This young generation of Americans didn't elect leaders that put us $16 trillion in debt, we did that. They didn't allow their government to take religion out of public schools. This generation is not the problem, but they may be the solution. As for our generation; Ronald Reagan once said "All great change in America begins at the dinner table.", evidently, we've been doing something right around our dinner tables.

Friday, September 21, 2012

America's New Slogan Should Be: Pucker Up!

Is it just me or, are a whole lot of Americans getting tired of the daily barrage of crap we have to put up with? A small minority of jackasses in this country are trying to bully us into abandoning our beliefs, our God given rights, and our way of life. I'm sensing, that I'm not the only one who's fed up with it. We need to remember who we are, draw a line in the sand, and refuse to put up with it. We need to tell them all to kiss our asses! If our religion, our patriotism, or our politics offends you, you're free to look the other way. Or, you're free to kneel down, and pucker up! 

  • You don't like prayer at high school football games, Pucker Up!
  • You don't like the Pledge of Allegiance, pick a cheek!
  • You think voter ID is racist, kiss our ass and don't vote!
  • You want to make me buy insurance, Kiss My Ass!
  • You want to tell me what to eat, Kiss Both Sides of My Ass!
  • You want to get paid to sit at home, here's the Chapstick!
  • You think hard working business owners owe you something, Kiss All Our Asses!
A lot of things offend me, and there's not a damn thing I can do about them. I don't like to see people wearing their pants in a way that exposes their underwear and half their ass. I don't want to look at idiots, who've covered their entire bodies with tattoos or piercings.The term "transgender" irritates the crap out of me because, there is no such thing. It infuriates me that so many people are stupid, and don't even care. I'm highly offended that the President of the United States has laid down like a $5 crack whore for Muslim terrorists. It offends me that Homeland Security hassles businesses about hiring illegal aliens instead of guarding our border. Most of all, it infuriates, offends, and insults me that, the people who've done the most to screw up this country, have the nerve to tell the rest of us how we should live our lives. That's how I feel, AND I"M RIGHT!

Some of you may be offended by this: