"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Democrat's Strategy Reeks of Desperation

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
                                       Winston Churchill 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are right wing extremists! Really Democrats? Is that seriously what you're going with? Now, I'm willing to admit, there is one way you can make this Republican ticket look like Barry Goldwater/Pat Buchanan; just let them run against Barack (you didn't build that) Obama! This is an obvious sign of just how desperate the Democrats must be. They know Obama is headed for an ass whipping in November and they've come unhinged. Rush Limbaugh is right wing, Sarah Palin is right wing; hell, I'm really right wing. Mitt Romney passed state run health care, with an individual mandate. Not even nutty ass Howard Dean thinks that's right wing extremism. Paul Ryan proposed a budget, which was passed by the house, that reduces the amount of spending increases. Obama proposed two budgets, that not ONE member of the senate voted for. Yes, goofy ass Harry Reid and the Democrat lead senate unanimously rejected their candidate's budget; two years in a row. But Ryan is the extremist? Paul Ryan voted for "No Child Left Behind", TARP", and the auto bailouts. That doesn't exactly make him the second coming of Ron Paul. This would be laugh out loud hilarious, if these ignorant bastards weren't running our country. Are the writers of Saturday Night Live running the Democrat's campaign? It honestly looks like a satire skit! The prominent speakers at this week's Republican convention include former Democratic Congressman Artur Davis (who spoke at the '08 Democrat convention and was an Obama campaign co-chair), John McCain (who's about as conservative as Lyndon Baynes Johnson), Jeb (my brother added $4 trillion to the debt) Bush, and keynote speaker Chris Christie, who seems to be in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants and believes in global warming. Jim Demint, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Ron Paul? Nope! What about the speakers at next weeks Democrat convention? Well, lets start with middle age  college student Sandra Fluke, who told us earlier this year that she and her girlfriends were spending so much money on birth control that they were going broke, so they needed the taxpayers to buy it for them. Then there's actress Eva Longoria, who is Hispanic, smokin' hot, and...well...that's about it. I seriously doubt that Eva has anything significant to say, but that's OK because no one will be listening. I'll bet Bill Clinton is bringing a double ration of Viagra though. Next, there's Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren, who falsely claimed to be a Cherokee in order to get a college grant, and who was, apparently, the original author of Obama's "you didn't build that" speech. So, we have a speaker whose claim to fame is being a self proclaimed prolific slut, a speaker who's famous for playing a prolific slut on TV, and a serial liar/Marxist. Do the Democrats really think this is going to lure women voters? But Romney and Ryan are the extremists. The Democrats have accused Romney of killing a woman and Joe Biden told an arena full of black people that Republicans wanted to "put y'all back in chains". What, they couldn't find a way to tie them to the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State scandal? They ran a commercial showing Ryan pushing an old lady off a cliff in a wheelchair, because, they say, he wants to take Medicare away. In reality, Ryan's plan wouldn't touch Medicare for anyone over 55, while Obamacare will rob $700 billion from it starting next year. Obama has sued states for enforcing federal immigration laws and for trying to prevent voter fraud. Obama bypassed congress and gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Obama used executive privilege to protect his his attorney general, who was held in contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate in an investigation of weapons sales to Mexican drug cartels by the federal government. Make no mistake, there is a lot of extremism to consider in this presidential election. But, it sure as hell doesn't involve Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan. The Democrat's rhetoric doesn't offend me as a Republican or a conservative. I'm proud to be called extremist by these ass clowns. The people who should be offended are the Democrat and Independent voters, because the DNC thinks y'all are stupid enough to believe this crap; and a lot of you probably are.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

You're Killin' Me!

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Redd Foxx

Eggs are more dangerous than smoking. Popcorn causes Alzheimer's. Hepatitis C kills more baby boomers than anyone else. Distracted driving is on the rise. And, in case you haven't heard; THERE'S AN OBESITY EPIDEMIC!!!! How did any of us make it past the second grade? Medical researchers, politicians, industries with profit motives, and most of all, the media; are trying to scare the shit out of us. From a lot of your actions and reactions, it appears they've been pretty damn successful. I'm a baby boomer; which, as far as I can tell, makes me a member of the most screwed generation in history. We get blamed for everything, we have to pay for everything, and we're the unhealthiest generation in world history. Of course, that's only if you believe everything that you hear, read, or see on TV; and I don't. Amazingly, this attitude has gotten me labeled as somewhat of an eccentric, conspiracy theorist, skeptical crank; even by some of my best friends and family members (my wife). Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't care! Today's world is much safer than it has been at any time in history, and getting safer by the day. You may wander how I can say that despite the constant barrage of health, safety, and security warnings. Do I just think I'm smarter than everyone else in the world? No, just the vast majority of you. The thing is, you really don't have to be that smart to see through all the bullshit. You just have to stop assuming that a bunch of people you've never met are really concerned about you and looking out for your best interests. But, you may be wandering, why would medical researchers, doctors, lie about matters of health? They may not be lying in every case. I'm sure a lot of them truly believe what they say, and in many cases, there is probably some truth in their claims. Obviously, being fat is not as healthy as being the ideal weight, smoking is bad for your health, you can get diseases from mosquitoes, and ingesting too much of some chemicals can kill you. However, medical research is paid for with grant money. There are private grants, but the overwhelming majority of grant money is public, a.k.a. taxpayer money; which the government is very generous with because it doesn't belong to them. Let's say, you apply for and are awarded a big pile of cash to study whether or not people living in Madison, Wisconsin are more overweight and unhealthier than people from other regions of the country. You use the money, complete your study, and report that the people of Madison are just as healthy, maybe more so, and their weights are perfectly in line with the averages in the rest of the country. How much money do you think you're getting next year? Good news isn't alarming, it doesn't trigger government grants. Doctors and researchers write books too. Go check out the health section at Barnes and Noble and see how many selections celebrate the fact that only half as many people die from heart disease as did thirty years ago. Nobody's buying that! Tragedy sells, dread sells, suffering sells; nobody cares about good news unless it pertains to them. When a car salesman tells you all the bad things about the cheaper models, and raves about the virtues of the more expensive car, most people see through that; the guy's just trying to make a buck. We don't trust people as much when they stand to profit from what they're telling us...unless they're doctors, scientists, or reporters. Evidently, these groups aren't driven by selfish interests like the rest of us. Most people, myself included, would agree that being extremely overweight can cause serious health problems; heart disease and diabetes in particular. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 1980, 412 out of every 100,000 people died each year from heart disease, in 2000, it was 257 people, and in 2010, it was 178. In 1995, 23 out of 100,000 died from diabetes, in 2010, it was 20. The same CDC tells us we have an obesity epidemic, that it's harming the economy, education, national security, and the overall health care system; and almost no one questions it. If obesity is so much worse than it has been throughout history; why are there so many fewer deaths from the diseases that it causes? I have some startling news for a lot of you; you're all going to die. I don't know when, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen at some point, no matter how many Cokes, cheeseburgers, and deserts you don't eat. You people need to stop worrying about dying and start living a little; and stop torturing your kids by denying them things that I know damn well you enjoyed as a kid, and probably still do when no one's looking. Popcorn causes Alzheimer's? My ass it does! Besides, if I get it, I won't know. Eggs are more dangerous than smoking? Are they more dangerous than smoking crack? Because I have to assume that's what those researchers were doing. I just read where the CDC is getting ready to recommend that all baby boomers get tested yearly for hepatitis C, because our age group dies from it more than any other age group. How often is that? Well about .0003% of baby boomers die from Hep. C every year; less than one, one thousandth of one percent. How much would that test add to national health care costs, to find out if we have a disease that, if rounding numbers, affects 0% of Americans. Distracted driving is the latest plague to threaten humanity; according to the experts at least. Several states have passed laws restricting or banning the use of phones and other electronic devices while driving. Many other states are considering similar laws, and everyone I talk to thinks this is a good idea. Teen drivers, of course, are in the most danger from distracted driving. I would assume that a lot more teens are dying behind the wheel today, than 20 or 30 years ago, when cell phones were pretty much non-existent. I'd be wrong. In 1980 42 out of every 100,000 teens ages 15-19 died from car crashes; in 2010, it was 15 of 100,000. In 2000, I'd never heard of anyone texting and 16 of every 100,000 Americans died in car crashes. in 2010 almost everyone I know was texting and 11 out of 100,000 died in car crashes. I think texting while driving is a bad idea and cell phones can be a distraction. But, they're not making driving more dangerous; if they were, a lot more people would be dying. I can't explain it, but the numbers don't lie. Why are we encouraging government to pass more laws to solve problems that we're solving just fine on our own? Because making something illegal always eliminates the problem, right? It all boils down to whether you would rather think for yourself or trust everything in your life to other people, who may or may not be smarter than you, or may or may not give a rat's ass about you? Call me a nut if you want, but I trust myself to look at all the information and decide what's best. If I'm wrong, at least I know who to blame. I wonder if people in third world countries, who hear about all the epidemics and plagues that threaten America, think to themselves "What a bunch of spoiled, whiny, paranoid, chickenshit little twits." ? I think that all the time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Let Obama Tell You Why You Should Vote For Romney

 "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have the best speech writer a politician could hope for; his name is Barack Obama. If you just listen to his words, and look at how those words have translated into actions, they'll tell you all the reasons you should vote for Romney/Ryan. Sure, they have to continue to hammer him on policy and consequences. But, they need to paint a clear picture of the ideology behind all those bad policies. They need to show voters the drastic contrast between conservative Republicans' view of America and Obama's radical leftist view. I'm seeing some positive signs that they plan to do just that. It's true that Romney's not as conservative as some of us would like, but he's a right wing extremist compared to Obama; and both he and Ryan have a fundamental understanding and belief of what built the American economy. In a recent essay, Romney wrote  "economic freedom is the only force that has consistently succeeded in lifting people out of poverty ... the only principle that has ever created sustained prosperity." Ryan said last weekend that "Our rights come from nature and God, not from government."  Obama and the left believe nothing could be further from the truth. They're OK with freedom of speech, unless the CEO of a private company says he supports traditional marriage. Freedom of religion is fine with Obama, unless churches don't want to buy birth control for their employees. Obama believes these rights DO come from government, therefore he can place limits on them. That, as Joe Biden would say, "is a huge f_ _ _ing deal". Romney, Ryan, the GOP, and all of us need to continue to throw it in their faces. This election isn't about which party we believe has a better platform; it's about who we believe we are as a people. 
  • Mitt Romney knows, first hand, that, with the incentive of making a lot of money; private citizens will continue to reinvest in the economy, creating jobs and prosperity. Barack Obama believes that "at some point, you've made enough money". 
  • Romney believes private citizens have a right to risk their own money in investments as they see fit. Obama believes the president has the right to take money from private citizens and "bet" it on the pet projects of his campaign donors. As he told ABC's George Stephanopoulas, about the $600 million lost on Solyndra; “It went through the regular review process, and people felt that it was a good bet.”
  • Mitt Romney knows that America became the greatest economic power in world history because economic freedom allowed entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and reap the rewards of their hard work and sacrifice. Obama believes that government created an economic system that business owners took advantage of. To use his own words: "If you have a business, you didn't build that, someone else made that happen."
  • Romney and Ryan believe that the money people earn is their own, and that we all have an obligation to pay our share of taxes, to cover the country's bills. Obama believes that all money earned belongs to government and that they decide how much the workers can keep. He tells us "We cant afford to spend money on tax cuts for rich people" The only way a tax cut can be called spending is, if the money belongs to government to begin with.He says Romney "ONLY" paid $3 million in taxes, in 2010; even though that's more than the average American pays in a lifetime.
  • Conservatives believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, regardless of the obstacles in your way, but that not everyone will have what it takes to succeed; there will be winners and losers. Obama, like Karl Marx, believes that "It's good when you spread the wealth around."
  • Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan believe that hard working individuals, private businesses, and private investors can revive the economy, if government gets out of the way. Almost 4 years ago Obama told us "the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life."
We know Obama's policies and actions have had disastrous results and that has to be pointed out. But, his ideology and his fundamental beliefs make any other outcome impossible. He knew where his ideology would lead us. Romney and Ryan need to make sure the rest of the country knows too. Just let Obama tell them.

Friday, August 10, 2012

At Least Lie Like An American

"Lying has a kind of respect and reverence with it. We pay a person the compliment of acknowledging his superiority whenever we lie to him." ~ Samuel Butler 

Let's forget, just for a minute, about the damage that's been done to the economy, the jobs market, health care, the banking system, the energy industry, national security, and just about everything else in America under Barack Obama. I think we can all agree that he's been a complete disaster. I can just accept that and do my best to vote him out in November. What I can't accept is the irreparable damage he's done the the great American art of lying. To be fair, it's not just him, but everyone in his administration and the Democratic Party. Let's face it, everybody lies; nobody more than politicians and government. It's just a fact of life. We lie for our own benefit and the benefit of others. Nothing positive can come from the statement "Yes dear, that dress makes you look fat."; so we lie. However, one of the common courtesies we need in a civil society is to all have enough respect for our fellow man to tell a planned, well thought out, carefully constructed, at least semi-believable lie. Obama and the Democrats are making a mockery of this and it's pissing me off! When you take the time to put together and tell me an organized, feasible lie, it shows some respect for my intelligence; you're acknowledging that I'm not dumb enough to believe just any load of crap. But, when you just randomly pull a big wad of horse shit out of your ass, you're telling me you think I'm an idiot; you're crossing the line. For Example: I come into work on Monday morning and tell the guys "Hey, I was out of town over the weekend and I slept with this smokin' hot cocktail waitress." I do a good job of selling it, provide a few details, but not too many. I give her first name only, can't remember the name of the bar, blah, blah, blah. Depending on my skills, this is a decent lie. On the other hand, I say "You guys won't believe this, but I flew to Malibu and Sports Illustrated was there doing a photo shoot. So, I run into Kate Upton in the cabana bar, take her back to my room, and we spend the whole weekend together." See, that sucks as a lie, it defies credibility and it can easily be disproved. Plus, I've just insulted my buddies by implying that they're morons. That's what Obama and the Democrats are doing to us and I'm getting tired of it. The latest one is a beauty. If you want to say "Mitt Romney killed more jobs as CEO of Bain Capital than Obama has killed as president.", that's a lie. But, by making up some bogus statistics and twisting the facts, you could sell it and get some ignorant people to buy it. But, when you say "Mitt Romney killed a guy's wife.", even you're friends start to be embarrassed for you. It's like one of those tabloid headlines "Elvis Fathers Alien Baby"; you're gonna get some attention, but it's because people are pointing out what a dumbass you are. Through the years, the Democrats have done a good job of enlisting major media, like CNN, to help promote their lies. But, this latest one even has Anderson Cooper and Wolfe Blitzer going "Seriously, you really want our help shoveling that load of shit." Cooper was almost pleading "C'mon guys, I'm in you're corner, but you gotta work with me." To make matters worse, when the media called them on it, Obama's people looked like deer in the headlights. One of his top flunkies, Stephanie Cutter, told reporters she didn't know anything about this guy, who says Romney killed his wife. Then, about 17 seconds later, they play a recording of a conference call she hosted with him in May, and they're calling each other by their first names. This shows a clear lack of preparation in the planning of this lie. She should have been ready for questions and had answers that couldn't be blasted out of the water so quickly; it's just incompetence. What about Harry Reid? It's one thing to say "Mitt Romney pays very little in taxes." or "Mitt Romney doesn't pay enough in taxes." Those are both lies, but they're vague and open to interpretation. You say "Mitt Romney hasn't paid any taxes in 10 years"., and people think you're drunk or senile. Nobody's gonna believe that shit Harry! Then, you throw in "I have a source, but I can't tell you who it is." Oh OK, I thought for a minute you were just full of shit, but now I believe you. I think what's happened here, is the Democrats got greedy. Most of their constituents are stupid, so they can get a lot of crap by them. But, there's "I don't watch the news or read books stupid", and there's "I can't feed myself or go to the bathroom alone stupid". The Democrats thought they were dealing solely with the latter, when, in fact, some of their voting base is still in the first group.I know politics is a nasty business, but if we're going to survive as a society, there are some institutions we have to preserve. Let's put good lying on that list!