"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Sunday, January 19, 2014

John Cornyn Is A RINO

If you listen to talk radio, I know you've heard the commercials. How could you avoid them?

 "John Cornyn, he's conservative, like you."

Conservative like who? I'm conservative and so is just about everyone I know. We believe in smaller, limited government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, individual liberty, self reliance, personal responsibility, and the U.S. Constitution. Senator Cornyn would have you believe that he's a proponent of all those things too. But, what he says and how he governs are two very different things. During his 12 years in the senate, the national debt has increased by ten trillion dollars, and you can't blame it all on Barack Obama and the Democrats. During the first four years of his first term, George W. Bush was president and the Republicans controlled both houses of congress. The Bush administration and the Republican controlled congress oversaw the biggest increase in federal spending in U.S. history, to that point. Senator Cornyn has repeatedly voted to raise the U.S. debt ceiling; not only with Bush, but with Obama as well. He has repeatedly voted for increased spending on food stamps, farm subsidies, medicare expansion, and extensions of unemployment benefits. He worked with the Democrats and GOP leadership to end Senator Ted Cruz's filibuster to defund Obamacare. In December of 2012 he voted for a tax increase for top income earners (job creators), increases to capital gains and dividend taxes, extension of the marriage penalty, and extension of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which, basically pays low income couples and individuals for having children. He supported those tax increases without any demand for spending cuts. He has repeatedly voted against limiting farm subsidies, repealing sugar subsidies, and pay as you go legislation that would prevent congress from passing any law that increases the federal debt. Is there anything even remotely fiscally conservative here?

What about individual liberty? Senator Cornyn has consistently voted for re-authorization of the patriot act. On several occasions, he has voted against bills that would prohibit the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, without being charged or brought to trial. Let me make this clear; John Cornyn is in favor of policies that allow government bureaucrats to imprison U.S. citizens, indefinitely, without charging them with a crime or allowing them their day in court. He has voted in support of programs that have allowed the government to view, collect, and store the emails, phone conversations, and financial records of American citizens without warrant or probable cause. Really? Is this the United States of America or the Soviet Union?

Senator Cornyn has joined Barack Obama in endorsing an immigration reform bill that would grant amnesty to current and future illegal aliens without doing anything to secure the borders. This is, essentially, an open borders policy. I was born and raised in Texas, and these are NOT conservative Texas values. Texans are conservative like Ted Cruz, and senate candidate Dwayne Stovall. John Cornyn is conservative like John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Barack Obama. Putting an "R" beside your name and talking tough at election time doesn't make you a conservative; it just makes you a RINO. We can't let Karl Rove, the GOP establishment, and their billionaire donors keep choosing our candidates. Texas should decide who will represent us in Washington.