"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Biden Should Take Cain's Advice: Blame Yourself

Yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden told a crowd of union groupies that rapes and murders were up across the country because of the Wall Street Ponzi schemes that were allowed by the Bush administration, and that they would continue to rise if the Republicans didn't pass the president's jobs bill.Holy crap! I thought the Clinton administration was the most deceitful, immoral, corrupt bunch of scumbags we ever allowed in the Whitehouse. These guys make them look like choirboys.Evidently, telling the voters that Republicans wanted bridges to collapse while they were crossing didn't frighten them enough to take to the streets in protest. Now we'll just have to ramp it up and tell them that George Bush and friends are going to rape their wives and daughters; hell, they might even rape grandma before they push her over that cliff in the wheel chair. Last week, Nancy Pelosi said Republicans wanted women to die on the floor, rather than have a life saving abortion. I'm pretty sure that a lot of Americans do feel as if they've been raped by the government. I'm usually against blaming the victims of crime; that's a Democrat thing to do. But, to paraphrase Herman Cain: If you feel you've been raped by the government, don't blame the Republicans; blame yourself! You live in a liberal city like Flint, Michigan and the Democrats you've elected have squandered your tax money and run up huge deficits; blame yourself! I live in Texas, it's not my responsibility to hire your cops, firemen, and teachers. You're a lifetime union worker, who's allowed your representatives to donate billions of your hard earned money to Democrats, and your  state unemployment is now 25%; blame yourself! Cain may have actually written the perfect new motto for the United States; BLAME YOURSELF! If you're the President of the United States and you have a Democratic majority in the senate that wouldn't pass your latest jobs bill, don't blame the Republicans: blame yourself! If you increased spending by a trillion dollars a year, wasted the money paying off your cronies like Solyndra, and now you don't have any left to buy votes, don't blame the Republicans; blame yourself! Everyone in this country needs to accept responsibility for the mess that we've let it become. We can fix it, but, if you don't vote to throw these lying dirt bags out of office next year; then look in the mirror and BLAME YOURSELF when it all falls apart and your living in Mexico North.