"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Dumbass!

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry did a press conference at at the offices of Thigpen Energy in Cut N Shoot, Texas. Thigpen Energy is a perfect example of the vision, philosophy, spirit, and individual character that made the United States the greatest economic power in world history. It's about one guy or, in some cases, a group of guys or ladies, risking everything they have on an idea or a dream. Small business owners like this devote their entire lives to it, they work day and night; weekends and holidays. They answer their phones 24/7. They do it for a variety of reasons. Some are simply adventurous, others seek independence; most of them want a chance to control their own destiny and, you're damn right, they want to make money. I'm not sure when the idea of making a lot of money became crime in America; but it's bullshit and it's time we addressed it head on. After Perry's press conference at Thigpen, an assclown named Emily Deprang, who writes fairy tales for a communist rag called the Texas Observer, did a hit piece on Perry, and she took some shots at Thigpen Energy as well. I'm not a big Rick Perry guy, but I'm a huge fan of Sam Thigpen, Thigpen Energy, and the millions of other small business owners who continue to create jobs and power the economic engine of this country; despite the best efforts of our federal government to destroy them. This Deprang moron and the ignorant jackasses she works for are representative of the culture that our federal government has intentionally created. It was bad enough when they all just sat on their worthless asses, and we had to support them. But, since the election of Barack Obama in '08, and especially since his recent re-election; these do nothing parasites have become increasingly more vocal in complaining about the level to which working Americans take care of their sorry asses. Anyone who supports traditional, conservative values, self reliance, personal responsibility, and hard work is crucified and labeled racist, greedy, uncaring, mean spirited, or homophobic. Successful people and corporations are treated as if they went in and stole the food from a table in an orphanage. The reason these attacks have gotten worse and more frequent, is that those of us on the receiving end haven't fought back; we just keep taking it. We don't want to be called any of those names and we don't want to seem insensitive or un-compassionate. It's time to address it in the only terms these scum bags are capable of understanding. So listen up lefties, bums, welfare queens, community activists, race baiters, and anyone else that's trying to gnaw off the hands that have been feeding them; I'm not doing this just because I'm unafraid of the name calling. I'm doing it because it's fun; I'm gonna really enjoy it! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you worthless, ungrateful assholes have a lot to be thankful for. Since I know you have no idea who you should thank, start with God! If you don't know who I'm talking about; Google it! FYI, he doesn't live in the White House. Even though I'm sure that the God I worship would like to slap the living shit out of every one of you, he is forgiving. Anyway, it's probably me I was thinking of that wants to slap the shit out of you. When you finish thanking God, start thanking me and the millions of hard working conservatives just like me, that have been taking care of a lot of you stupid bastards for your entire lives. You should be eternally thankful because you did NOTHING to earn it, you're not entitled to it, and you definitely don't deserve it! YOU'RE WELCOME ASSWIPES! Basically, you idiots can be divided in to three groups; 
  • Some of you are crackheads. You may not actually smoke crack, your drug might be pot, booze, coke, prescription painkillers, sex, or gambling. The point is, you have no self discipline; you're weak! You can't hold a job or support yourself because you want something else more. But make no mistake, you're not a victim and you're not sick. This is your fault and no one else's. Sick people go to the doctor and get help; you live this way because you choose to and because the government allows you to. 
  • A bunch of you are bums. Maybe all of you you don't live under bridges, but the bottom line is; you'd rather sit on your asses than work. You don't deserve free housing, health care, food, phones, or any of the other free shit you get; and we sure as hell don't owe it to you. You get it because politicians have manipulated your dumb asses into voting for them. It's like the way you reward a dog, by giving him a treat for rolling over or fetching a stick. "Punch the button in the voting booth. Good boy! Now come get your bacon strip!"
  • This third group actually encompasses the first two as well. YOU'RE STUPID! You can't figure out anything for yourselves. You can be easily manipulated into anything. You have descended to a level of ignorance that would prevent most of you from surviving without your caretakers (conservatives). You've chosen a life of servitude in exchange for minimal rations of food and money. The key word here is "chosen"; You picked this life. YOU'RE STUPID!
Wow! I sure feel better! Not only do you have a lot to be thankful for, I'm extremely thankful that I got a chance to explain it to you. Try to enjoy these approaching holidays because the next four years are gonna suck; bad! Not for us conservatives, we know how to take care of ourselves. The government will take more of our money, but we'll be OK. But, it's gonna get really bad for those of you who voted for a daddy instead of a president. I would feel sorry for you; if you hadn't begged for it. As it is; I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS! Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2012

What If There Were Two Americas?

I think a lot of us would agree that, as a country, the United States of America is as divided as it's been since the sixties; maybe more so. I've been reading about all these petitions to secede, and it got me thinking. A while back, I read a book called "Are We Rome?", which compared the current state of the U.S. to the fall of the Roman Empire. The author talked about a scenario, in which the country would split and become two separate Americas. I'm wondering what that would be like. I have to think the divide would be along liberal versus conservative lines; perhaps "The Constitutional Republic of America" and "The Progressive Socialist Democracy of America". How about "The Elephants" and "The Jackasses"? Ok, no need for name calling. To simplify things, let's just call it "Red America" and "Blue America". By the way, this is based on philosophy, not politics. A lot of you big government Republicans are gonna need to go to Blue America, because you're really just jackasses in pachyderm clothing. So how would things divide up? Let's take a look.
  • Income-Obviously, this is probably the biggest dividing line currently; and that's by the design of the Democratic Party. Americans are classified as the "haves" and the "have nots"; though it would be more accurate to call them "the works" and "the work nots", or as Thomas Sowell once said "the do's" and the "do nots". We have to assume that the vast majority of top income earners would go to Red America (R.A.), initially, because of the lower taxes and regulation on business and the economy. The few rich people, like maybe Warren Buffett, who stayed in Blue America (B.A.) would find a way to shelter and invest their money in R.A., until the B.A. government took them up on their offers to pay even higher taxes; then they would bail out to R.A. when they crossed, oh, let's say the 95% tax bracket. What about middle class income earners? I would think that, at least, 70% in the private sector, would go to R.A., in the beginning and another 15% within the first two years, because that's where the vast majority of businesses and jobs would be. Most government workers would stay in B.A. because government jobs would pay a hell of a lot more than in R.A., and there would be a lot more of them in B.A. The income earners at the bottom would, most likely, be torn, because many of them would be receiving some type of B.A. govt. assistance, that wouldn't be available in R.A. Eventually, those that truly wanted to work, would go to R.A., for the promise of opportunity, rather than the promise of minimal subsistence. Almost everyone receiving income for not working would stay in B.A. until the government ran out of money; at which point, they would go to R.A. and find jobs, or starve to death.
  • Race-While the country is racially divided, I really don't think race would play much of an issue in this decision. While most minorities and a large number of whites would have their hearts in B.A., this decision would be guided by survival instinct. You need jobs and money to survive and provide for your family; and the jobs would be in R.A. Whether you believe it, or like it; green trumps all other colors in economics. Provide value as an employee, or as a business owner, and financial motives will triumph over any racial prejudices that may exist.
  • Immigration-There would be no illegal immigration in B.A., and it would, initially, be overrun with new citizens seeking government freebies. Then, like the Americans who stayed for the free stuff, they'd leave when the B.A. government went broke; if they were allowed to leave. Illegal immigration wouldn't be much of a problem in R.A. The economy would be prosperous and there would be more jobs than Red American citizens could do. Smart, hard working people from other countries, looking for an opportunity to make a better life, would be welcomed; and would become valuable members of society. No one would be sneaking into R.A. to take advantage of the free health care and other government benefits, because we wouldn't have those things.
  • Social Philosophy-Citizens of R.A. would be expected to accept responsibility for their own lives and for their actions. It would be a country of great opportunity, but, on occasion, people would experience rough times. When that happened, their fellow citizens would give them a helping hand; whether privately, through churches and other non-profits, or collectively, through the government. But, it would be on our terms, and those being helped would be expected to help themselves, if they were able. People in need of help are not in a position to dictate the terms of that help, and receiving help is not an entitlement; it's an act of kindness and generosity on the part of those providing it. In B.A., everyone would be entitled to the best health care and education, to a good paying job and a nice home; all free of charge. There would also be laws mandating free cell phones, WiFi, satellite TV,  Ipads, laptops, new cars, and all the other basic necessities of life. The problem would be that, everyone capable of working and paying taxes to provide these things, would be living and working next door in Red America.
It could happen some day, and it might be a good thing for citizens of both countries. Right now, we're all living the lie in Blue America; and we're approaching the time to pay the bill. We don't have the money; no one does.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Merry Christmas Mitt!

"As President, you're entitled to your own house and your own airplane, but not your own facts."
Mitt Romney

We spent the last two weeks, hearing from everyone that had an opinion, how Mitt Romney was having a terrible week, or month. Romney said 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and think they're victims. He's down by 10 points in the swing states. This election is over! Poor Mitt, he just wasn't smart enough or charismatic enough to compete with his excellency. The left was doing a great job of convincing themselves and their flock. Then, truth and reality stepped up and smacked the living shit out of them!

Let's take a look at the month Obama just had. Just as excitement over "You didn't Build That" started to fade, we see a video of Barry, preaching socialism and re-distribution, that would have made Karl Marx proud. He had kicked of the month with a big celebration at his party's convention; where, in a proud moment, the Democrat delegates gave roaring round of boos to: Romney? No. Bush? No. Drum roll please; would you believe...God? That's right; on the floor of their national convention, on national TV; THE DEMOCRATS BOOED GOD! A week later, on the anniversary of 9/11, muslim terrorists attacked U.S. embassies all around the world and, at the U.S. consulate in Libya, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered U.S. Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens and 3 members of his staff. Immediately after the attacks, the Obama administration stated that this was not terrorism, but a spontaneous uprising of Libyan citizens in response to a Youtube video, that insulted Islam. Additionally, Obama, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and several other members of the administration publicly, repeatedly apologized to the muslims for the insult. They even paid for TV adds in Pakistan to apologize. As evidence began to emerge, from numerous sources, that the attack was pre-planned by groups with ties to al qaeda, the administration continued to blame and apologize for the video. This week, as it became clear that they knew within 24 hours that it was a planned attack, they were forced to call it terrorism. Unfortunately, several sources have discovered that Ambassador Stevens had made multiple requests for additional security, which were denied by the White House. The protection of Stevens and his staff was left to Libyan security guards; muslim rent-a cops! To make matters worse, if that's possible, the Obama administration has covered the whole thing up, and, in an interview with "60 Minutes" Obama called it a "bump in the road".

On Tuesday this week, "The Daily Caller" released a previously unseen, unedited video of an '07 campaign speech that Obama gave to an audience of mostly black people. In a race baiting, class warfare speech that would make Al Sharpton proud, Obama said that George Bush, Republicans, and the federal government didn't treat New Orleans as well after Katrina, as they had disaster victims in other states, because "they don't care as much about New Orleans" and it's mostly poor black population. He said we need more programs to help poor blacks because they don't know you're not supposed to feed your baby potato chips for breakfast, and they need to be taught how to dress and act appropriately in an office. If what he said wasn't bad enough, he gave the entire speech with a lame southern drawl, that sounded like he was auditioning for a remake of "Gone With the Wind".

Then came the debate. Holy crap! This is why you don't put a community organizer, who's never held a private sector job, in charge of a $15 trillion economy. Romney abused him so bad, it wouldn't surprise me if Eric Holder charged him with a crime. This was the most total domination of a presidential debate, since Ronald Reagan schooled Jimmy Carter. Considering the way the media has hyped Obama, his humiliation was even worse than Carter's. Romney used hard economic facts to battle Obama's utopian fantasies, and looked him right in the eye and smiled while he did it. As you would expect, Obama's leftist supporters went into a complete meltdown and started ripping him on Twitter and MSNBC. Barack Obama's entire career has been one big illusion of smoke and mirrors, and it's coming unraveled at just the right moment. We still have a month to go, but I think Santa may have landed his sleigh on the Romney house a few months early; 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" Joshua 24:15

"All great change in America begins at the dinner table."
Ronald Reagan

The picture above was taken by the owner of "Skyline Burrito Bowls" in Lufkin, Texas. It's just a group of Lufkin firefighters saying a prayer before their meal. One of them is my oldest son Triston. If, like me, you sometimes wonder what ever happened to old fashioned American values; they're alive and well in East Texas. In the first 13 hours that the picture was posted on Facebook, it had over 11,000 likes and 200 shares. Last week, I was touched by the public response to the cheerleader of Kountze High School, which is also in East Texas. These girls are standing up to athiests and courts, who want to ban them from creating banners with bible verses written on them, for their football players to run through before games. In just a couple of weeks, their Facebook group has over 43,000 members. It's not just a Texas thing either; the support for these young people is coming from all over the country. We really are a "Silent Majority"! I guess every generation, as it ages, complains about how the new generation "just doesn't get it". We need to stop that, this generation get's it. Sure, the ones we notice most often are the ones with multiple body piercings or the idiots of the occupy movement. But, walking the walk below the radar, are firefighters, cheerleaders, and people like Lila Rose, who founded the pro-life organization Live Action, when she was 15, or the teenage Chic-Fil-A drive through worker, who smiled and politely offered a jackass customer water, as he spewed hate at her for the views of her company CEO. This young generation of Americans didn't elect leaders that put us $16 trillion in debt, we did that. They didn't allow their government to take religion out of public schools. This generation is not the problem, but they may be the solution. As for our generation; Ronald Reagan once said "All great change in America begins at the dinner table.", evidently, we've been doing something right around our dinner tables.

Friday, September 21, 2012

America's New Slogan Should Be: Pucker Up!

Is it just me or, are a whole lot of Americans getting tired of the daily barrage of crap we have to put up with? A small minority of jackasses in this country are trying to bully us into abandoning our beliefs, our God given rights, and our way of life. I'm sensing, that I'm not the only one who's fed up with it. We need to remember who we are, draw a line in the sand, and refuse to put up with it. We need to tell them all to kiss our asses! If our religion, our patriotism, or our politics offends you, you're free to look the other way. Or, you're free to kneel down, and pucker up! 

  • You don't like prayer at high school football games, Pucker Up!
  • You don't like the Pledge of Allegiance, pick a cheek!
  • You think voter ID is racist, kiss our ass and don't vote!
  • You want to make me buy insurance, Kiss My Ass!
  • You want to tell me what to eat, Kiss Both Sides of My Ass!
  • You want to get paid to sit at home, here's the Chapstick!
  • You think hard working business owners owe you something, Kiss All Our Asses!
A lot of things offend me, and there's not a damn thing I can do about them. I don't like to see people wearing their pants in a way that exposes their underwear and half their ass. I don't want to look at idiots, who've covered their entire bodies with tattoos or piercings.The term "transgender" irritates the crap out of me because, there is no such thing. It infuriates me that so many people are stupid, and don't even care. I'm highly offended that the President of the United States has laid down like a $5 crack whore for Muslim terrorists. It offends me that Homeland Security hassles businesses about hiring illegal aliens instead of guarding our border. Most of all, it infuriates, offends, and insults me that, the people who've done the most to screw up this country, have the nerve to tell the rest of us how we should live our lives. That's how I feel, AND I"M RIGHT!

Some of you may be offended by this:


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Democrat's Strategy Reeks of Desperation

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
                                       Winston Churchill 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are right wing extremists! Really Democrats? Is that seriously what you're going with? Now, I'm willing to admit, there is one way you can make this Republican ticket look like Barry Goldwater/Pat Buchanan; just let them run against Barack (you didn't build that) Obama! This is an obvious sign of just how desperate the Democrats must be. They know Obama is headed for an ass whipping in November and they've come unhinged. Rush Limbaugh is right wing, Sarah Palin is right wing; hell, I'm really right wing. Mitt Romney passed state run health care, with an individual mandate. Not even nutty ass Howard Dean thinks that's right wing extremism. Paul Ryan proposed a budget, which was passed by the house, that reduces the amount of spending increases. Obama proposed two budgets, that not ONE member of the senate voted for. Yes, goofy ass Harry Reid and the Democrat lead senate unanimously rejected their candidate's budget; two years in a row. But Ryan is the extremist? Paul Ryan voted for "No Child Left Behind", TARP", and the auto bailouts. That doesn't exactly make him the second coming of Ron Paul. This would be laugh out loud hilarious, if these ignorant bastards weren't running our country. Are the writers of Saturday Night Live running the Democrat's campaign? It honestly looks like a satire skit! The prominent speakers at this week's Republican convention include former Democratic Congressman Artur Davis (who spoke at the '08 Democrat convention and was an Obama campaign co-chair), John McCain (who's about as conservative as Lyndon Baynes Johnson), Jeb (my brother added $4 trillion to the debt) Bush, and keynote speaker Chris Christie, who seems to be in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants and believes in global warming. Jim Demint, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Ron Paul? Nope! What about the speakers at next weeks Democrat convention? Well, lets start with middle age  college student Sandra Fluke, who told us earlier this year that she and her girlfriends were spending so much money on birth control that they were going broke, so they needed the taxpayers to buy it for them. Then there's actress Eva Longoria, who is Hispanic, smokin' hot, and...well...that's about it. I seriously doubt that Eva has anything significant to say, but that's OK because no one will be listening. I'll bet Bill Clinton is bringing a double ration of Viagra though. Next, there's Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren, who falsely claimed to be a Cherokee in order to get a college grant, and who was, apparently, the original author of Obama's "you didn't build that" speech. So, we have a speaker whose claim to fame is being a self proclaimed prolific slut, a speaker who's famous for playing a prolific slut on TV, and a serial liar/Marxist. Do the Democrats really think this is going to lure women voters? But Romney and Ryan are the extremists. The Democrats have accused Romney of killing a woman and Joe Biden told an arena full of black people that Republicans wanted to "put y'all back in chains". What, they couldn't find a way to tie them to the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State scandal? They ran a commercial showing Ryan pushing an old lady off a cliff in a wheelchair, because, they say, he wants to take Medicare away. In reality, Ryan's plan wouldn't touch Medicare for anyone over 55, while Obamacare will rob $700 billion from it starting next year. Obama has sued states for enforcing federal immigration laws and for trying to prevent voter fraud. Obama bypassed congress and gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Obama used executive privilege to protect his his attorney general, who was held in contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate in an investigation of weapons sales to Mexican drug cartels by the federal government. Make no mistake, there is a lot of extremism to consider in this presidential election. But, it sure as hell doesn't involve Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan. The Democrat's rhetoric doesn't offend me as a Republican or a conservative. I'm proud to be called extremist by these ass clowns. The people who should be offended are the Democrat and Independent voters, because the DNC thinks y'all are stupid enough to believe this crap; and a lot of you probably are.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

You're Killin' Me!

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Redd Foxx

Eggs are more dangerous than smoking. Popcorn causes Alzheimer's. Hepatitis C kills more baby boomers than anyone else. Distracted driving is on the rise. And, in case you haven't heard; THERE'S AN OBESITY EPIDEMIC!!!! How did any of us make it past the second grade? Medical researchers, politicians, industries with profit motives, and most of all, the media; are trying to scare the shit out of us. From a lot of your actions and reactions, it appears they've been pretty damn successful. I'm a baby boomer; which, as far as I can tell, makes me a member of the most screwed generation in history. We get blamed for everything, we have to pay for everything, and we're the unhealthiest generation in world history. Of course, that's only if you believe everything that you hear, read, or see on TV; and I don't. Amazingly, this attitude has gotten me labeled as somewhat of an eccentric, conspiracy theorist, skeptical crank; even by some of my best friends and family members (my wife). Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't care! Today's world is much safer than it has been at any time in history, and getting safer by the day. You may wander how I can say that despite the constant barrage of health, safety, and security warnings. Do I just think I'm smarter than everyone else in the world? No, just the vast majority of you. The thing is, you really don't have to be that smart to see through all the bullshit. You just have to stop assuming that a bunch of people you've never met are really concerned about you and looking out for your best interests. But, you may be wandering, why would medical researchers, doctors, lie about matters of health? They may not be lying in every case. I'm sure a lot of them truly believe what they say, and in many cases, there is probably some truth in their claims. Obviously, being fat is not as healthy as being the ideal weight, smoking is bad for your health, you can get diseases from mosquitoes, and ingesting too much of some chemicals can kill you. However, medical research is paid for with grant money. There are private grants, but the overwhelming majority of grant money is public, a.k.a. taxpayer money; which the government is very generous with because it doesn't belong to them. Let's say, you apply for and are awarded a big pile of cash to study whether or not people living in Madison, Wisconsin are more overweight and unhealthier than people from other regions of the country. You use the money, complete your study, and report that the people of Madison are just as healthy, maybe more so, and their weights are perfectly in line with the averages in the rest of the country. How much money do you think you're getting next year? Good news isn't alarming, it doesn't trigger government grants. Doctors and researchers write books too. Go check out the health section at Barnes and Noble and see how many selections celebrate the fact that only half as many people die from heart disease as did thirty years ago. Nobody's buying that! Tragedy sells, dread sells, suffering sells; nobody cares about good news unless it pertains to them. When a car salesman tells you all the bad things about the cheaper models, and raves about the virtues of the more expensive car, most people see through that; the guy's just trying to make a buck. We don't trust people as much when they stand to profit from what they're telling us...unless they're doctors, scientists, or reporters. Evidently, these groups aren't driven by selfish interests like the rest of us. Most people, myself included, would agree that being extremely overweight can cause serious health problems; heart disease and diabetes in particular. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 1980, 412 out of every 100,000 people died each year from heart disease, in 2000, it was 257 people, and in 2010, it was 178. In 1995, 23 out of 100,000 died from diabetes, in 2010, it was 20. The same CDC tells us we have an obesity epidemic, that it's harming the economy, education, national security, and the overall health care system; and almost no one questions it. If obesity is so much worse than it has been throughout history; why are there so many fewer deaths from the diseases that it causes? I have some startling news for a lot of you; you're all going to die. I don't know when, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen at some point, no matter how many Cokes, cheeseburgers, and deserts you don't eat. You people need to stop worrying about dying and start living a little; and stop torturing your kids by denying them things that I know damn well you enjoyed as a kid, and probably still do when no one's looking. Popcorn causes Alzheimer's? My ass it does! Besides, if I get it, I won't know. Eggs are more dangerous than smoking? Are they more dangerous than smoking crack? Because I have to assume that's what those researchers were doing. I just read where the CDC is getting ready to recommend that all baby boomers get tested yearly for hepatitis C, because our age group dies from it more than any other age group. How often is that? Well about .0003% of baby boomers die from Hep. C every year; less than one, one thousandth of one percent. How much would that test add to national health care costs, to find out if we have a disease that, if rounding numbers, affects 0% of Americans. Distracted driving is the latest plague to threaten humanity; according to the experts at least. Several states have passed laws restricting or banning the use of phones and other electronic devices while driving. Many other states are considering similar laws, and everyone I talk to thinks this is a good idea. Teen drivers, of course, are in the most danger from distracted driving. I would assume that a lot more teens are dying behind the wheel today, than 20 or 30 years ago, when cell phones were pretty much non-existent. I'd be wrong. In 1980 42 out of every 100,000 teens ages 15-19 died from car crashes; in 2010, it was 15 of 100,000. In 2000, I'd never heard of anyone texting and 16 of every 100,000 Americans died in car crashes. in 2010 almost everyone I know was texting and 11 out of 100,000 died in car crashes. I think texting while driving is a bad idea and cell phones can be a distraction. But, they're not making driving more dangerous; if they were, a lot more people would be dying. I can't explain it, but the numbers don't lie. Why are we encouraging government to pass more laws to solve problems that we're solving just fine on our own? Because making something illegal always eliminates the problem, right? It all boils down to whether you would rather think for yourself or trust everything in your life to other people, who may or may not be smarter than you, or may or may not give a rat's ass about you? Call me a nut if you want, but I trust myself to look at all the information and decide what's best. If I'm wrong, at least I know who to blame. I wonder if people in third world countries, who hear about all the epidemics and plagues that threaten America, think to themselves "What a bunch of spoiled, whiny, paranoid, chickenshit little twits." ? I think that all the time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Let Obama Tell You Why You Should Vote For Romney

 "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have the best speech writer a politician could hope for; his name is Barack Obama. If you just listen to his words, and look at how those words have translated into actions, they'll tell you all the reasons you should vote for Romney/Ryan. Sure, they have to continue to hammer him on policy and consequences. But, they need to paint a clear picture of the ideology behind all those bad policies. They need to show voters the drastic contrast between conservative Republicans' view of America and Obama's radical leftist view. I'm seeing some positive signs that they plan to do just that. It's true that Romney's not as conservative as some of us would like, but he's a right wing extremist compared to Obama; and both he and Ryan have a fundamental understanding and belief of what built the American economy. In a recent essay, Romney wrote  "economic freedom is the only force that has consistently succeeded in lifting people out of poverty ... the only principle that has ever created sustained prosperity." Ryan said last weekend that "Our rights come from nature and God, not from government."  Obama and the left believe nothing could be further from the truth. They're OK with freedom of speech, unless the CEO of a private company says he supports traditional marriage. Freedom of religion is fine with Obama, unless churches don't want to buy birth control for their employees. Obama believes these rights DO come from government, therefore he can place limits on them. That, as Joe Biden would say, "is a huge f_ _ _ing deal". Romney, Ryan, the GOP, and all of us need to continue to throw it in their faces. This election isn't about which party we believe has a better platform; it's about who we believe we are as a people. 
  • Mitt Romney knows, first hand, that, with the incentive of making a lot of money; private citizens will continue to reinvest in the economy, creating jobs and prosperity. Barack Obama believes that "at some point, you've made enough money". 
  • Romney believes private citizens have a right to risk their own money in investments as they see fit. Obama believes the president has the right to take money from private citizens and "bet" it on the pet projects of his campaign donors. As he told ABC's George Stephanopoulas, about the $600 million lost on Solyndra; “It went through the regular review process, and people felt that it was a good bet.”
  • Mitt Romney knows that America became the greatest economic power in world history because economic freedom allowed entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and reap the rewards of their hard work and sacrifice. Obama believes that government created an economic system that business owners took advantage of. To use his own words: "If you have a business, you didn't build that, someone else made that happen."
  • Romney and Ryan believe that the money people earn is their own, and that we all have an obligation to pay our share of taxes, to cover the country's bills. Obama believes that all money earned belongs to government and that they decide how much the workers can keep. He tells us "We cant afford to spend money on tax cuts for rich people" The only way a tax cut can be called spending is, if the money belongs to government to begin with.He says Romney "ONLY" paid $3 million in taxes, in 2010; even though that's more than the average American pays in a lifetime.
  • Conservatives believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, regardless of the obstacles in your way, but that not everyone will have what it takes to succeed; there will be winners and losers. Obama, like Karl Marx, believes that "It's good when you spread the wealth around."
  • Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan believe that hard working individuals, private businesses, and private investors can revive the economy, if government gets out of the way. Almost 4 years ago Obama told us "the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life."
We know Obama's policies and actions have had disastrous results and that has to be pointed out. But, his ideology and his fundamental beliefs make any other outcome impossible. He knew where his ideology would lead us. Romney and Ryan need to make sure the rest of the country knows too. Just let Obama tell them.

Friday, August 10, 2012

At Least Lie Like An American

"Lying has a kind of respect and reverence with it. We pay a person the compliment of acknowledging his superiority whenever we lie to him." ~ Samuel Butler 

Let's forget, just for a minute, about the damage that's been done to the economy, the jobs market, health care, the banking system, the energy industry, national security, and just about everything else in America under Barack Obama. I think we can all agree that he's been a complete disaster. I can just accept that and do my best to vote him out in November. What I can't accept is the irreparable damage he's done the the great American art of lying. To be fair, it's not just him, but everyone in his administration and the Democratic Party. Let's face it, everybody lies; nobody more than politicians and government. It's just a fact of life. We lie for our own benefit and the benefit of others. Nothing positive can come from the statement "Yes dear, that dress makes you look fat."; so we lie. However, one of the common courtesies we need in a civil society is to all have enough respect for our fellow man to tell a planned, well thought out, carefully constructed, at least semi-believable lie. Obama and the Democrats are making a mockery of this and it's pissing me off! When you take the time to put together and tell me an organized, feasible lie, it shows some respect for my intelligence; you're acknowledging that I'm not dumb enough to believe just any load of crap. But, when you just randomly pull a big wad of horse shit out of your ass, you're telling me you think I'm an idiot; you're crossing the line. For Example: I come into work on Monday morning and tell the guys "Hey, I was out of town over the weekend and I slept with this smokin' hot cocktail waitress." I do a good job of selling it, provide a few details, but not too many. I give her first name only, can't remember the name of the bar, blah, blah, blah. Depending on my skills, this is a decent lie. On the other hand, I say "You guys won't believe this, but I flew to Malibu and Sports Illustrated was there doing a photo shoot. So, I run into Kate Upton in the cabana bar, take her back to my room, and we spend the whole weekend together." See, that sucks as a lie, it defies credibility and it can easily be disproved. Plus, I've just insulted my buddies by implying that they're morons. That's what Obama and the Democrats are doing to us and I'm getting tired of it. The latest one is a beauty. If you want to say "Mitt Romney killed more jobs as CEO of Bain Capital than Obama has killed as president.", that's a lie. But, by making up some bogus statistics and twisting the facts, you could sell it and get some ignorant people to buy it. But, when you say "Mitt Romney killed a guy's wife.", even you're friends start to be embarrassed for you. It's like one of those tabloid headlines "Elvis Fathers Alien Baby"; you're gonna get some attention, but it's because people are pointing out what a dumbass you are. Through the years, the Democrats have done a good job of enlisting major media, like CNN, to help promote their lies. But, this latest one even has Anderson Cooper and Wolfe Blitzer going "Seriously, you really want our help shoveling that load of shit." Cooper was almost pleading "C'mon guys, I'm in you're corner, but you gotta work with me." To make matters worse, when the media called them on it, Obama's people looked like deer in the headlights. One of his top flunkies, Stephanie Cutter, told reporters she didn't know anything about this guy, who says Romney killed his wife. Then, about 17 seconds later, they play a recording of a conference call she hosted with him in May, and they're calling each other by their first names. This shows a clear lack of preparation in the planning of this lie. She should have been ready for questions and had answers that couldn't be blasted out of the water so quickly; it's just incompetence. What about Harry Reid? It's one thing to say "Mitt Romney pays very little in taxes." or "Mitt Romney doesn't pay enough in taxes." Those are both lies, but they're vague and open to interpretation. You say "Mitt Romney hasn't paid any taxes in 10 years"., and people think you're drunk or senile. Nobody's gonna believe that shit Harry! Then, you throw in "I have a source, but I can't tell you who it is." Oh OK, I thought for a minute you were just full of shit, but now I believe you. I think what's happened here, is the Democrats got greedy. Most of their constituents are stupid, so they can get a lot of crap by them. But, there's "I don't watch the news or read books stupid", and there's "I can't feed myself or go to the bathroom alone stupid". The Democrats thought they were dealing solely with the latter, when, in fact, some of their voting base is still in the first group.I know politics is a nasty business, but if we're going to survive as a society, there are some institutions we have to preserve. Let's put good lying on that list!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Why We Should Re-elect Obama

Talk about a tough sell, how would like to be in charge of that? I just saw a report from Obama's own budget director, who predicted that this year's budget deficit will end up at about 1.2 trillion, which will make this the 4th straight year of trillion dollar plus deficits. Now there's something to rally behind! There is positive news though. They say that by 2017, the deficit should drop to 3% of GDP...because they're going to have 1.5 trillion in tax increases. Holy Crap! Romney's people won't have to write any new material for a while. Obama's guys are dishing it out generously. Saw another article about how 200,000 small businesses have closed since 2008, killing 3 million jobs. Ok, I guess I can try to blame all this on Bush, but I'm not sure if even die hard Obama supporters are stupid enough to keep buying that. It might be best if we just forget about the president's record; just pretend it never happened. We'll just attack Romney. Let's talk about what an asshole he is for being a successful businessman and getting rich, now we're on a roll. Damn, does anyone know if McDonald's is hiring? It turns out, they're not because the First Lady is trying to run them out of business. This is a tough family to work for. Obama's "you didn't build that" crap was a big help though. I'm not sure Zig Ziglar could sell this shit! Let's be honest, getting him re-elected all depends on the ratio of of really stupid morons that somehow manage to make it to the polls, in relation to the rest of us. The only people to vote for Obama this time around are either brainwashed or brain dead; or with the help of ACORN; just plain old dead. This like trying to sell condoms to a lesbian!

Friday, July 20, 2012

"You Didn't Build That"

Barack Obama is the gift that just keeps giving. In 2008, he scammed his way into the White House like a used car salesman; promising to be the most transparent, post racial administration ever. Now, figuring, I suppose, that not enough people will buy that same load of crap again, he has a new strategy. His ideology has always followed the Robin Hood approach of taking from the productive people and giving it to his friends. But, last week, he added a new twist. "As we steal from the successful people, why not just insult the shit out of them too?" In one of the most brain dead, yet comical moments in U.S. Presidential history, Obama uttered this nugget of wisdom, "If you have a business, you didn't build that. Someone else made that happen." Who did jackass, Santa Claus? Did Barbara Eden pop out of a bottle and do it? If she did, she probably thought "Damn, how long was I in that bottle? Tell me you're not really the damn president!" That's what I think every morning when I wake up. In fairness to the president, how the hell should he be expected to know how businesses are created? He's never run one, or worked for one. He was raised by Marxists. All his friends and associates, and advisers are communists. There is absolutely no reason to expect him to have any knowledge of how free market capitalism works; all he's ever heard is that it was evil, unfair, and racist. Obama's theory is that our rich "Uncle Government" built this great "system" of roads, bridges, schools, and green energy sources. Then, a few people took advantage of that system and used it to create these successful businesses and get rich. But, that money isn't really theirs because they haven't paid back Uncle Government; and that greedy bastard wants it all back with interest. This leads to a question. Where did Uncle Gov get all his money to begin with? Well, he got it from business owners and the people that work the jobs created by those businesses. For Example:
  • Thomas Edison-He had about 3 months of formal schooling and was self-educated for the most part. He was hearing impaired, yet he invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the first long lasting, practical light bulb. He built and installed the first power grids in New York City. Mr. Edison "You didn't build that."
  • John Merrick-Was a black man, born into slavery and educated in reconstruction schools after the Civil War. He worked a variety of odd jobs, became a barber, and opened his own successful shop. In 1898, he founded the North Carolina Mutual Insurance company, which today is the oldest and largest African-American life insurance company in the U.S. Sorry John, "Someone else made that happen."
  • Henry Ford-Raised on a farm, left home at 16 to work in a machine shop, then worked for Edison until leaving to start The Ford Motor Company. Lord Mr. Ford, "You didn't build that."
  • Ray Croc-Lied about his age to join the service during WWI and became a Red Cross ambulance driver at 15. Worked as a musician, paper cup salesman, and radio DJ. Bought McDonald's on a handshake and made it the biggest restaurant chain in the world. "Who built that Ray? Not You!"
  • Herman Cain-Raised on a Tennessee farm, in the segregated south. Worked as a barber, janitor, and Chauffeur, then worked his way through the ranks of Coca Cola and Pillsbury, before becoming CEO of Godfather's Pizza and ultimately buying it. Herman, "You're a Conservative Republican, so you sure as hell didn't build that."
There are millions of stories like these; of people who sacrificed and risked everything and often failed a couple of times before finding success. It didn't happen because government extorted money from them and paved a road.  It's embarrassing that we turned our country over to such a moron. It's insulting to the entrepreneurs of yesterday and today to suggest that government has been anything but a pain in the ass to them. Wanna know what you built Mr. President? "9% unemployment, $5 trillion in new debt, supplying guns to Mexican drug dealers, the worst racial division since the 1960's, and the worst national morale since Jimmy Carter's sorry ass left the White House." "You built all that shit Mr. President."" That, is the House that Barack built." Own it!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Obamacare: The Seinfeld Tax

Jerry Seinfeld made a ton of money off "nothing". In fact, the cash continues to flow to Seinfeld to this day, as possibly the funniest TV show in history lives on in reruns. But Seinfeld's goldmine is chump change compared to the eternal pile of cash that Barack Obama is about to start raking in from "nothing". The most transparent, most honest, most intelligent president we've ever had, has boldly gone where no president has gone before; and it looks like he got the idea from George Costanza. For those of you who may not be familiar (all 5 of you), George was Jerry's best friend on the show. NBC approaches Jerry about developing a new show and George has a brilliant idea; "We'll do a show about nothing. Everybody else is doing something, we'll do nothing!"

Picture this: Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid in a closed door brainstorming session, trying to figure out how to pay for socialized medicine:

Obama: "How's this? We pass a new tax on nothing. Everybody else is taxing something, we'll tax nothing!"

Pelosi: "I don't get it, we have to tax something. How do you tax nothing?"

Obama: "Easy, let's say you're on the couch scratching your butt, that's a tax. You're all alone, sleeping in your bed, that's a tax. You're standing in the wilderness, with no possessions and no contact with civilization, that's a tax."

Reid: "How's that a tax? Why is anyone going to pay it?"

Obama: "Because we're the government, and we'll put 'em in prison if they don't."

Pelosi and Reid: "I think you may have something here."

It's been accepted since before our founding, that government has the authority to tax. The country has bills and we have to pay them. But, taxes have always been based on actions or activities, enabling individuals to opt out or limit the amount they pay. Trade and commerce have been taxed through tariffs and sales taxes, but the individual controls how much he buys or sells, or whether he participates at all. Labor is taxed through the income tax, but no one can force you to work; as is evidenced by the fact that almost half the population pays no income tax at all. Real estate and personal property are taxed, but you must buy or accept ownership of them. Even in the case of the death tax, someone has to commit the act of dying before it can be applied. The Obama/Seinfeld tax is different. For the first time in American history, individuals will be taxed for existing; for "nothing". You stay in your home, you bother no one, you interact with no one, you buy nothing, you sell nothing, you say nothing; "that's a tax!" Obama even further channeled George Costanza in selling this to the American people. George was a self confessed serial liar, saying things like "My entire life is a lie." and "Remember this, it's not a lie, if you believe it." Obama told the country repeatedly that Obamacare was not a tax. Being questioned by George Stephanopoulos, he said "I absolutely reject that notion." It's OK Mr. President; "It's not a lie if you believe it." Everyone forgot to let John Roberts in on the lie. Here's a warning to gays, lesbians, and all the other stuff that keeps getting lumped in with them. I know the president has been kissing your butts but, watch out for the "Homo Tax"; you could be taxed for "nothing" other that your sexual orientation. "Not that there's anything wrong with it."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Liberty or Security?

"They who can give up essential liberty, to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety." Benjamin Franklin

I'm a little torn about this post this morning. I'd love to churn out a bunch of smartass remarks about President Obama and his communist cohorts and, God knows, he's been providing an endless stream of material. But, something has been bugging me more and more lately and it's not that funny. Americans, regardless of political leanings or party affiliations, seem increasingly willing to surrender their basic freedoms and individual rights, in exchange for what they perceive to be safety or security. Over the past decade, we've accepted a ton of new restrictions and intrusions on our god given rights. In most cases, it hasn't made us any safer and, even if it had, I'd question whether or not it was worth it. I love the quote at the top of this page by Ben Franklin. If you're willing to trade freedom for security, you don't deserve either one. I've read several books on economics by Thomas Sowell and one of the themes he always returns to is that; economics and life are a series of choices and trade offs. It's not a zero sum game. If you make the choice to buy a really expensive car, that limits the size house you can afford or the number of times you can eat out at nice restaurants. In other words, you can't have it all. The same goes for the amount of security that we ask government to provide. For them to protect us, we have to allow them some authority to tell us what we can and can;'t do. By the way, this is a key point that far too many Americans have lost sight of; in America; government derives it's powers "from the consent of the governed". They only get to boss us around because we let them. The constitution doesn't define or establish our rights; our rights are natural, or God given. The constitution gives government it's rights and keeps them from trampling ours; at least that was the plan. Most reasonable people understand that it is necessary to allow the government authority over certain areas of our lives in order to protect the overall interest of society. We give the cops the authority to patrol our roads and highways, and enforce traffic laws. Otherwise, every time we backed out of our driveway, we'd have to worry about some drunk jackass running over us. The tradeoff is, we might get a ticket for rolling through a stop sign in our neighborhood at 4:00 a.m. because some lazy ass cop is trying to make his quota; yeah, that happened to me. The problem I see now, is that so many people are only paying attention to what they're gaining, or what they think they're gaining; and ignoring what they're giving up in return. In a lot of cases, they refuse to believe they're giving up anything at all. There are a couple of technical terms for those people; Democrats and morons. I'm jokingly taking a little jab at Democrats, but the problem is definitely not confined to one party or group. In fact, I think the Republicans are worse because they claim to be the party of individual rights and limited government, while, more often than not, governing in exactly the opposite direction. Some of the things that conservatives complain the loudest about were established at the hands of Republican presidents and congresses; the EPA, OSHA, the ban on incandescent light bulbs, and No Child Left Behind are just a few examples. As a rule, we tend to ignore bullshit if it's the product of someone we voted for. The vast majority of Americans sat back and watched or applauded over the last 40 years as federal, state, and local governments waged war against smokers. Almost everyone agrees that smoking is bad for your health, as are a million other things that we do on a daily basis. But, we don't regulate or stigmatize any of those other things the way we do smoking...yet. It used to be hard to make an argument for regulating individual behavior that didn't harm others. Thomas Jefferson once wrote:
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

That's tough to argue with. My neighbor may be killing himself by smoking and we both know it. But, he's not hurting anyone else, should the government step in a protect him from himself? Most reasonable people would say no, because that would open the door to all sorts of intrusions and regulations on personal behaviors that might be harmful. So, why would so many of those same people support a ban on smoking in privately owned buildings, a ban on incandescent light bulbs, or a government imposed limit on the size soft drink you can buy? Why would rational people, who've never committed a crime, allow govt. Employees to grope their genitals, view digital scans of their bodies, or spy on them, on their privately owned property using cameras on unmanned drones? It's because they've been convinced that we live in a world of catastrophes, disasters, and epidemics; and that only government can protect us from those things. They're willing to trade privacy, individual choice, and freedom in exchange for that protection. It's a viscous, never ending cycle:

Millions of Americans can't afford health care because the drug companies and insurers have conspired in profit making. People are dying in the street because they can't afford health care; even though a federal law forces hospitals to treat everyone, regardless of ability to pay, and regardless of the fact that the govt. already spends almost a trillion a year on Medicare and Medicaid. The only solution is for government to control health care.

Poor choices in personal behavior, such as smoking and over eating, are costing hundreds of billions in health care costs, which is the responsibility of the taxpayers since govt. controls health care. This is placing a heavy burden on the economy. The only solution is for government to regulate these harmful behaviors.

Excessive use of energy from fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide emissions, which is destroying the planet. The only solution is for government to regulate energy production and usage.

National security is threaten by terrorists, who are living among us, plotting the next 9/11. In order to give law enforcement the ability to stop them, we must allow the government much broader powers with regard to search, seizure, and surveillance. Random body pat downs and digital scanners that can see through clothing are needed to keep bombs off airplanes.The government must have the authority to detain people indefinitely, without bringing charges, and to deny them legal representation.

Individual behavior is killing wildlife and plant life with reckless, wasteful consumption. The only way to preserve these resources is greater government control and regulation of land use

Private business is failing to fairly compensate their workers and endangering their safety. The only solution is for government to regulate wages and working conditions.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. In order to just survive, we have relinquished control over almost every aspect of our lives. But, to who? We've surrendered these broad totalitarian powers to a group of less than 600 people, who , according to the polls, has less than a 20% approval rating. We're trusting these people to micro-manage the lives of over 300 million people. In addition, we're trusting that they won't abuse this authority; despite tons of evidence that they will. So, why do so many people choose security over liberty? Good question! I think a lot of them are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives. It's easier to blame others and seek compensation for being wronged. The other group are the ones that want to force their beliefs and values on everyone else, with the naive belief that it will never effect their own freedom. I doubt that any other free people in history have so willingly submitted to tyranny.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dear Mr. President: WTF?

Dear President Obama,

It has occurred to me that I may have been a little ungrateful for all that you have done in the short time you've been in office. If your people have been monitoring me on some watch list, I may have given the impression that I think you're an asshat. OK, I actually said it several times...JUST KIDDING! I recently learned of your "Secret Kill List" and I know that I fit the home grown terrorist profile of Jack Napolitano; old, white, Christian, redneck. I'm not former military, but four out of five isn't bad. Anyway, I guess I haven't made that list, or I wouldn't be typing this brilliant piece of literature right now. So, just to clarify, I think you've done a lot of just wonderful things and, on behalf of myself and a few friends, I'd like to thank you. Where should I start?

  • The Economy-Ok, so everything costs a lot more and all of us have a lot less money; let's look for the silver lining. My pantry and refrigerator needed a good cleaning and their both spotless and shiny now. Back when we had all that economic growth under Reagan, Clinton, and the Bush boys, they were all cluttered up with food and crap like that. Thanks A Lot!!!
  • Personal Wealth-Even though it doesn't seem like it, my personal wealth has infinitely multiplied under your leadership. Before you took office, I was just a regular working stiff. But, thanks to you, and according to you; I'm either a millionaire or a billionaire. I'm not sure why in the hell my bank balance says $359.00, I guess all my money must be tied up in bonds or securities or something like that. Either way, like your buddy Warren Buffett, I feel like I'm not paying my fair share. Please raise my taxes; PLEEEEEEASE!!!
  • George W. Bush-On behalf of myself and your predecessor, THANK YOU! No we really mean it, Thank You! As you like to mention very frequently, "W" kind of made a mess of things. His over the top deficit spending and manipulation of the currency left us with a real turd of an economy. But, then you came in, worked your magic, and turned it into "TURDZILLA". We owe you one!
  • Jimmy Carter-In the same spirit as above, Ol' Jimmy is extremely grateful. After all, you and he are sort of kindred spirits; with you being the first African-American president, and he the first retarded one. Jimmy made Fidel Castro look like an economic genius and thought he had secured his place as the worst president in history; then you rode to the rescue. The state of Georgia is forever in your debt.
  • Mitt Romney-Mitt is still trying to figure out what happened. He went from being a lifelong "DND" (Damn Near Democrat) to looking like the second coming of Ronald Freaking Reagan. Mitt had no idea he was a conservative until you got elected; he thought John McCain was a right wing extremist. That's why he still can't articulate the message that good, but he's learning. Mitt would also like to apologize for sending you that damn socialized health care thing.Iit worked out OK for him, but he didn't have to worry about the pesky ass constitution in Massachusetts. He's sorry that it's caused you so much grief. Also, thanks for writing an awesome campaign platform for him; he was really clueless, but you're providing an unending stream of talking points. Much Appreciated!
  • My Personal Health-I guess I owe you my life! Who knew that a steady diet of Dr. Peppers and Twinkies was bad for your health? I don't know what we'd do without you and your wife looking out for us; I guess just get fat and die. But, in spite of your warnings, we're still having a tough time backing away from the buffet. Maybe you should consider dropping the hammer on us with some serious food regulations, or maybe just tax the crap out of our fat asses. Oh, you already thought of that? My bad. Please hurry before my butt gets too big to fit through the door. Thanks!
  • Punishing the Rich-You know, I had been thinking that it would be great if someone could really stick it to the people that I work for, and by groceries and energy from. If someone would just break it off in their asses, I'm sure that could be nothing but beneficial to me. Yeah, take more money from my boss, there's gotta be a better chance of you giving me some than him giving me a raise, right? Tax the shit out of Exxon and Walmart! They'll never think of passing it on to us. Go Get "em Prez!
Well, gotta run now, it's 5:30 a.m. and I have to get down to the food bank. A fellow has to eat, and God knows the line is a lot longer down there than it was before you took office. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned God in a letter to you. I take it back. Please don't put me on a new list! I'll continue this later, I still have tons of stuff to thank you for.

Best Regards,

Seymour Poverty

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You're Not the Boss Of Me!

"This is a free country!" 

When I was a kid, that's what we told people who tried to boss us around. Well, I don't know what the kids say today, but that one sure as hell doesn't work. I guess it snuck up on us, like tequila shots, we didn't even see it coming. We just woke up, in a lot of pain, getting screwed by somebody that wasn't our date. I'm not sure when it dawned on me that so many people, were attempting to control so many aspects of my life; but it's pissing me off and I'm sensing that I'm not alone. An increasing number of people are getting fed up, but a lot of ignorant bastards are content to sit back and let it happen, especially when it's happening to someone else. Last week, we celebrated national "Eat Whatever You Want Day". WTF? How about we have national "Kiss My Fat White Ass Day" A few days ago, the genius that we sent to the White House "evolved" on the issue of gay marriage, and decided it was OK. Homosexuals and leftists responded by kneeling at his altar, as if he had just parted the Red Sea. Their response should have been "Screw you Barry, we don't need your approval." Regardless of how you feel about homosexuality or same sex marriage, why in the hell is anyone in America asking the government for permission to get married?

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Does that statement ring a freaking bell for anyone? Here's the problem; far too many Americans love all that rhetoric about freedom and self government. They love to quote Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. Freedom is awesome!, unless we're talking about the freedom to do something that annoys or offends them. OK, let's forget gay marriage, we'll agree to disagree on that. Let's say, I buy a building and decide that I want to open a restaurant. I go down to city hall and pay all the bullshit licensing and permit fees ( basically, buy permission from the government) and I'm ready to open. Since I know that a large number of people in my area are smokers, I decide I'll allow smoking in my restaurant. I know this will, likely, drive away some non-smokers, but I think it's worth the risk. Oh, sorry! The conservative, Republican ruled government in my state has passed a law that makes it a crime to allow smoking, a legal activity, on my privately owned property. See, smoking is bad for your health and some say that just being in the same building with a smoker is equally harmful; though there is no proof of that. Anyway, I wasn't going to force my customers, at gun point, to smoke or force non-smokers to patronize my business. I was just going to allow people to smoke, if they wanted; because I thought it would be good for business. The thing is, a majority of the people in my state don't smoke and they think it's a disgusting habit; they don't like the smell. Therefore, they've decided that no one should smoke, anywhere, ever. It's democracy, majority rule! The problem is, 150 years ago, the majority of people in my state thought it was OK for white people to own black people. Oh Shit! Maybe we need some checks and balances on this majority rule thing. Here's something scary; you know what else a lot of people, seemingly, don't like? Fat people! Now this one really pisses me off. I think the smoking ban is wrong, but I don't smoke. I am, however, one big fat bastard. Oh, I'm not fat like; "bury me in a piano crate", or I'm a contestant on "The Biggest Loser", by the way, I think everyone that goes on that show is a gigantic loser, but I could lose a few pounds. This get's a little confusing for me, as it pertains to majority rule. According to the, so called, experts, about two thirds of Americans are some big fat turds. Well, tell me where I'm wrong, but, if the majority of us are fat; shouldn't we force the rest of you to load up on the Blue Bell and pack on the cellulite; instead of you forcing us to eat bean sprouts and go to boot camp? What am I missing here? Now, the favorite justification for telling us not to smoke, and not to be fat; is the burden to society that it puts on our heath care system. Well, if society had kept their grubby ass hands out our doctor's offices and heath insurance, it wouldn't be costing them shit! Speaking of health insurance; in an effort to solve the problem of rising costs and people being uninsured, the federal government passed a law that forces me to buy insurance for myself and my family, and also forces me to buy it for my neighbor, if he can't afford it. But, I can't buy just the coverage I need, the law also forces me to buy coverage for things like maternity and contraceptives; even though I endured invasive surgery, to a very sensitive area, to ensure that I wouldn't need those things. The kicker is; the law also forces me to provide that type of policy to my lazy ass neighbor and his family. There are a lot of things that the govt. forces us to do, but what about the stuff they won't let us do? Now, I understand why they won't let me kill my worthless neighbor, but some of this other stuff is just ludicrous. I can't drive my car unless I wear a seat belt, can't build a fence around my yard unless I buy permission, can't put an alarm in my home or business unless I buy permission, can't pay someone to install a ceiling fan unless they buy a license, can't ride a bike without a helmet, can't send a coke and candy bar to school with my kid as a snack, can't put leaves or grass clippings in the trash unless they're in expensive biodegradable bags, and, just this last week, can't have a swimming pool at my business unless I install expensive equipment to lift disabled people in and out of the water. That new law, by the way, isn't just for new pools. It applies to businesses with pools that have been in existence for decades. The cost can be paid by business owners, or divided up among the customers. Government really likes to be the boss of businesses! I work in construction safety, which provides me with the privilege of dealing with OSHA, which is Latin for; "The Safety NAZI's". Their mission is to prevent businesses from heartlessly murdering employees because, as everyone knows, the only way to make a profit is to kill the people that work for you. OSHA requires employers to provide their workers with training and equipment to protect them from the hazards of their job, which seems reasonable, but it doesn't end there. Providing these things isn't enough. The employer has to force the workers to use them, all the time. The govt. doesn't force the workers to use protective equipment, they force the employers, to force the workers. If OSHA finds an employee grinding metal, alone in a closet, with safety goggles lying on the floor next to him, there is no consequence for the worker, but the employer gets a big ass fine. Yeah, that seems fair. Why don't I just buckle him into a stroller and wheel him around with me like an infant, so I can be sure his ignorant ass doesn't do something stupid? But the workers don't get a free pass from government parenting. In my industry, craftsman make about $20 an hour, so, in a 40 hour week they make $800, before Uncle Sam's mafia (the I.R.S.) holds out their "protection" cut. The company I work for has a lot of work, so these employees can put in another 20 hours a week whenever they want. For you Obama supporters, that's another $400; a 50% increase in pay! But, the govt. won't let them. That's right it's against the law for them to work for less than $30 an hour, once they've worked 40; even if they really need the money. How about this? My 16 year old son has never done any type of work and has absolutely no job qualifications. But, the guy who runs the diner down the street wants to pay him $5 an hour to wash dishes and take out the trash; not bad for a kid who doesn't know anything. Sorry, can't do it, it's against the law for him to accept anything less than $7.25 an hour. Damn, I thought this was a free country, surely I can decide what wage I'm willing to work for. No, you can't, you're too damn stupid! What the hell do you think government is for, just to keep prostitutes employed? These Democrats have sure screwed things up right? Not exactly, Republicans are just as bad, maybe worse. Who outlawed the incandescent light bulb? George Bush and a Republican congress. Who gave us OSHA and the EPA? Richard Nixon. Who legalized warrant-less wire taps and the indefinite detention of US citizens, without bringing charges? Republicans! Private citizens, who support Republican candidates love to hammer Obama about the regulation he's imposed. But, it's Bush's fault that we have to buy $30 LED light bulbs. The left screamed about civil rights abuses when Bush passed "The Patriot Act". Obama re-authorized it and not one Democrat said shit; the only people that bitched were Ron and Rand Paul. It's like, when you were a kid, and it's kinda funny when some bullies give a nerd a wedgie and thump his ears. But then, the next week, when you're the one digging your drawers out of your ass, with your ears glowing like Rudolph's nose; then it's not so damn funny. 

Fair Warning America! 

Put on some ear muffs and get ready for a wedgie from hell! Everyone wants to be the boss of us!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gay Marriage? Really? Who Cares?

Wow, this is earth shattering! The president has evolved on the issue of gay marriage and decided that it’s ok. Thank God! I had no idea how I was going to vote until his ground breaking announcement yesterday. Are you kidding me? In this economy, with all the threats to national security, with protesters rioting and attempting to blow up bridges, and with millions of people unable to find a job; why in the hell are we spending even 30 seconds worrying about gay marriage? Here’s the bottom line; the people who run our 2 major political parties think that all of us common folk are stupid and, frankly, they have a point. This is the top story on every news outlet in the country and people are choosing sides and lining up to defend their position; as if it made one damn bit of difference in any of our lives. It doesn’t! But, there is some common ground among all the differing viewpoints on this issue; the stupidity is distributed equally, regardless of ideology. Let’s start with the Republicans/Conservatives. Give it a rest! We get it, you think homosexuality is wrong, perverted, immoral, or maybe you just don’t like it. That’s ok, you’re entitled to your opinion, you don’t have to like it or accept it. But, like it or not, there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. If we passed a constitutional amendment, banning same sex marriage, it would have no effect on homosexuality. You can’t legislate it away, or pray it away, or intimidate it away, so stop wasting your time. A lot of conservatives will say; “I don’t care if people are gay, but we have to protect the sanctity of marriage.” First, the only marriage that I can protect, or have the ability to protect the sanctity of, is my own. Protecting the sanctity of my neighbor’s marriage is not my damn job, nor the governments. Second, what sanctity? We have TV shows in which men and women humiliate, prostitute, and degrade themselves in order to win a proposal. Should we ban “The Bachelor” in order to protect marriage? What about sham marriages of celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears, which end after a matter of days? And, it’s not just this new generation; Mickey Rooney and Liz Taylor married everyone on the planet except each other. We have websites that help connect people who want extramarital affairs. Tens of thousands of people are swingers, in open marriages. Are we going to just legislate all of that away? Conservatives need to learn the lesson that we’re always trying to teach liberals and progressives; government can’t create a perfect society by passing laws and regulations. Furthermore, they have no right or authority to try; even if they’re in the majority. Whose stupid idea was it that we ask government for permission to get married in the first place? Mitt Romney couldn’t wait to wait to tell the world that he’s still against same sex marriage, minutes after Obama’s announcement. Awesome Mitt, you’re a real conservative! But, what if there are a lot of gay voters, who are not communists, and were thinking there might be a better option than Obama? Why piss them off over something that will have absolutely no effect on most, if any, American lives? Now, gays, lesbians, blah, blah, blah…that big pile of initials you have to group yourselves by; you know it sounds pretty similar to Glenn Beck’s internet station (GBLTV?). Anyway, are you so shallow and insecure that Obama, switching positions as he’s falling in the polls, the day after a federal convict with a classic mullet got 40% of the vote in the West Virginia Democratic Primary, is really such a huge victory for you? This is like a nerd in high school who asks a cheerleader to the prom. Then, after she gives him a prompt “Hell No!”, he pulls a gun on her and asks her again. “Well, sure, I’d love to.” She’s not scared, she’s “evolving”. C’mon! I’m sure gays have their share of idiots; but all of you can’t be that stupid. He doesn’t give a shit whether you can get married and you know it! Personally, I think you’re getting the shaft, no pun intended; it’s no one's business who you marry. But, Obama can’t change it, and he won’t even try; you still have a long battle ahead on that. In the mean time, you might need jobs. Stop being lead around on a leash by the Democrats. I’m not going to bother with the liberal left’s side of this because all of your views and positions are ludicrous, and it’s a waste of time. America, we’re getting exactly the government we deserve, and that will continue as long as we’re focusing on stupid crap like this.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Catholic Church Joins the War on Religion

The Texas Catholic Conference thinks the the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) has been discriminatory and unfair in it's treatment of Jewish and Muslim schools. The education director of the organization that governs Texas Catholic schools, Margaret McGettrick, told the Houston Chronicle that TAPPS' treatment of those groups was "unacceptable". McGettrick also threatened to pull her 43 schools out of TAPPS if they don't change their ways. So, as the Catholic Church has reminded us for the last 2,000 years, they hold the moral high ground for the entire planet. I'm not sure how much research Mother Teresa McGettrick has done regarding the recent incidences, that the left wing Houston Chronicle has decided are front page material; but I've done quite a bit. The story, as reported by esteemed journalist Angel Verdejo, who the Chronicle recently stole away from a local paper in Killeen, TX; describes how TAPPS attempted to deprive the Jewish players of Beren Academy of a chance to compete for the state basketball championship. TAPPS, evidently due to antisemitism, was unwilling to reschedule their final four tournament in Fort Worth, in order to work around the Jewish Sabbath. Faced with a lawsuit, a court order, and under pressure from the media and state senators Dan Patrick and Rodney Ellis, TAPPS gave in and rescheduled the tournament. A few days later, Verdejo, the future Chris Matthews, had another breaking story about how TAPPS had denied membership to the Muslim Iman Academy; again on the basis of religious discrimination. Mr Verdejo says in  his story that Beren was "initially forced to forfeit it's spot" in the playoffs. It's time to acquaint Mr. Verdejo with a couple of things that are apparently foreign to him; facts and a dictionary. At no time was Beren Academy "forced" to forfeit their playoff spot. They were never even asked by TAPPS, nor was it suggested, that they forfeit. Beren, initially, chose to forfeit because the game times conflicted with their religious faith; by the way, I think that type of conviction to one's faith is admirable. Beren, after qualifying for the championship tournament, made a request to TAPPS, that the game times be rescheduled. This request was subsequently denied. So, what's the big deal? Why was TAPPS so anxious to deny these high school boys a chance to compete for a championship? The following explanation is taken from a statement posted on the TAPPS website:  
"TAPPS is an association of private and/or parochial schools in the state of Texas.
Membership in the association is voluntary and schools desiring membership must make the first contact in order to apply.
When TAPPS was organized in the late 1970's, the member schools at that time all recognized Sunday as the day of worship. The By-Laws were written to state that “TAPPS would not schedule any competition or activities on Sunday”. At that time,
there were no member schools that observed their Sabbath on Saturday.
During the early days of TAPPS, state semi-finals and finals for team sports were scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays. Occasionally, due to the sites available, some games were also scheduled on Thursdays. Every effort was made to schedule finals
on Saturday, since many parents did not work on Saturday and could attend their children’s games.
The TAPPS Executive Board, which is the final authority of the association, continues to follow the Constitution and By-Laws.
The final stage of the application process for any prospective member school is for the head administrator and others of his choosing, to meet with the TAPPS Executive Board
to discuss the school’s application and commitment to the association.
The Robert M. Beren Academy, represented by the athletic director, met with the TAPPS Board on June 12, 2009 to discuss their membership. At that time, the Board pointed out that TAPPS schedules its team sports championship on Fridays and Saturdays,
which would conflict with Beren’s observation of their Sabbath. The Board pointed out that the posted schedule for the state tournament would be followed and no changes made,
unless weather related or similar conditions existed.
The Athletic Director stated that he understood and did not see that as a problem, since he just wanted their players to have an opportunity to play in a “district”.
Section 138.C.3.e, “At the time of district certification, the district president shall certify all schools that will participate in the playoffs. Upon qualifying for the playoffs, schools must notify the TAPPS office in writing if their team will not participate in all
playoff games in which they qualify as scheduled by TAPPS. If for any reason, the team cannot follow the schedule as provided by TAPPS the school shall remove itself from the playoffs
without penalty so that the next highest ranked team may represent the district in the playoffs”.
When Berens Academy qualified for the playoffs this year, they did not remove themselves from the playoffs, as described in Section 138.C.3.e, but instead played and won their bi-district, area and regional games. On Friday, February 24, 2012, the TAPPS office received an appeal from Beren Academy,
asking that some game times be changed at the State Basketball Tournament on Friday March 2, and Saturday March 3, 2012 in order for the school’s students, staff and fans to observe their
Sabbath. The appeal was forwarded to the TAPPS Executive Board for a decision. The appeal arrived at the TAPPS office at 3:13 pm on Friday February 24, and due to the timing, a majority of the Board responses were not received until Monday morning, February 27. The Board denied the appeal and the administration at Beren Academy was so informed by phone and email."

So, the administration of Beren Academy applied for membership to an organization that they knew scheduled some of it's playoff games on days that conflicted with their religious beliefs. They applied to an organization that was founded around and consisted of a vast majority of members of a different faith. Beren was well aware that the TAPPS constitution and bylaws had been in effect for over 30 years. TAPPS officials were well aware of the potential conflicts due to the differing beliefs and specifically addressed the issue with Beren's representatives. Yet, knowing of the potential future conflicts, TAPPS officials made the decision to grant Beren membership, and Beren agreed to comply with the long established procedures because, as their athletic director said, it would give his player "a chance to compete in a district". TAPPS was upfront about their beliefs and their practices; they honored their agreements with Beren and their other members, yet they've been portrayed in the media, and by members of the Catholic Church as noninclusive, intolerant, and bigoted. The administration of Beren Academy did NOT honor their words or agreements. When faced with the decision to violate their religious beliefs or forfeit their playoff spot, they took legal action to force TAPPS and it's other members to change their rules and schedules. They were complicit with the media in denouncing the organization that had accepted them, despite differing beliefs and potential scheduling conflicts. I've been to the TAPPS basketball championship 3 times, as my kids attend another member school. The semifinal games were held on Friday night, which allowed us to leave Houston about noon and arrive in Fort Worth by game time. You don't have a lot of time to make travel plans because you don't know you're in until the week before. The 3 championship games, that I attended were held around noon on Saturday. So, allowing for the post game ceremony, pictures, etc..., players and their families can leave to return home at around 2:00-3:00 in the afternoon. If you're going to Houston, that puts you home about 7:00 p.m. Saturday night. Moving the games to Friday afternoon and Saturday night "forces" faculties and families to leave either Thursday night or very early Friday, and return home either very late Saturday night or spend an extra night and return home on Sunday, which is of course the Christian and Catholic day of worship. TAPPS officials were "forced" on Monday to make a decision on whether or not to "force" the staff and families of 3 other schools to change, what were already last minute travel plans, on just 3 days notice. They made the decision in favor of the members that had honored their agreements and complied with TAPPS bylaws. Both my kids play sports and I love watching them compete. I hate the thought of players that have worked so hard, forfeiting their playoff spot. But, if I enroll my kids in a league that holds it's championship on Christmas Day or Easter Sunday, they won't be playing in those games, and I'm not going to sue to have the league reschedule. As for being noninclusive or intolerant, Margaret McGettrick and the Texas Catholic Conference have a lot of nerve. Can a Baptist, or Lutheran, or non-denominational Christan get married in a Catholic Church? No. What about someone that's been previously married and divorced? No. A same sex couple? Uh, No! Can women become priests or conduct mass? No. How about married men? No. Can a non-Catholic take communion in a Catholic Church? No. Do I have a problem with any of this? No, I don't; these are long held beliefs and their members are entitled to practice as the believe. Should I join a Catholic Church, then file a lawsuit demanding the right to have the priest marry my same sex partner and I? I would think not. The Catholic Church has been in the news lately because they are asking for an exemption from federal law that would require Catholic organizations to provide health insurance to their employees, that would pay for contraceptives and abortions. They believe they should be exempt from this law because providing this coverage would violate their religious beliefs; I agree. Who has taken their side in this battle? The ACLU? No. The Democrat Party? No. The Republican Party? No. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League? No. The allies of the Catholic Church, in the federal government's and the media's war on religion, are Protestant Christians and constitutional conservatives. The allies of the media's war on TAPPS are Beren Academy and the Catholic Church.

Now; Part 2 of the saga. In 2010 Iman Academy, a Muslim private school in Houston, applied for membership in TAPPS. As has been reported continually by Angel Verdejo, the Houston Chronicle, and the national media; Iman received a questionnaire from TAPPS, that contained questions about Islamic beliefs, their potential conflicts with Christian and Jewish beliefs, and Iman's reasons for wanting to join an organization with such differing beliefs. Iman principle Cindy Steffens told the Chronicle that the questionnaire contained " loaded and provocative" questions. Iman also has acknowledged that an accompanying letter from TAPPS stated that they were not that knowledgeable about Islam and could have some misconceptions.  Steffens said she had remained discreet about the incident until the media contacted her. I wonder why the media contacted her? TAPPS does not try to hide the fact that they are an organization of mostly Christian members; in fact, they're proud of it. Is it so outrageous that a private religious organization would ask pointed questions about religious beliefs, scripture, and doctrine; of an applicant of greatly differing faith? Couples that wish to be married in the Catholic Church must go through "marriage preparation" during which, many probing questions are asked, the couple are also required to disclose any previous marriages to the priest. I have no idea what the administration or the members of Iman Academy believe, with regard to Christians or non-Muslims. But, in light of numerous instances of conflict involving Muslims joining Christian or Catholic organizations, I certainly want some pointed questions asked before admitting them to TAPPS. If that makes me a bigot or an Islamaphobe, I'll just have to live with it. Last October, Catholic University in Washington D.C. was sued for violating the human rights of Muslim students, for failing to provide prayer rooms that did not have Catholic symbols such as crosses. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice sued a school district in Berkeley IL, after a Muslim teacher complained that the district had denied her a 3 week leave of absence to perform a religious pilgrimage. The district lost and was forced to find a substitute to cover her class, and pay her $75,000 in lost pay. In October last year, Ohio taxpayers were forced to pay for the installation of foot baths in the Muslim prayer rooms at the University of Toledo, after Muslims students filed a discrimination complaint. I could keep linking to news stories like this for a long time, but I think you get the point. Would Iman Academy seek these types of concessions and accommodations from other member schools that they visited for games and tournaments? I don't know, but it's interesting that the Houston chapter of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), has taken up their cause. CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper asked the Chronicle reporter "Is there no law from discriminating based on faith?" Uh, in faith based organizations, no, there is not; and there certainly isn't in Islamic ruled countries. In July 2009, a federal judge ruled that CAIR had known ties to the terrorist organization Hamas, the FBI has also declared CAIR to be a front group for Hamas. If Iman Academy wants to avoid scrutiny over acts by radical Islamic extremists, they should sever their ties with CAIR. A local website called Arab Voices, advertises upcoming events in the Houston Muslim community. Their calendar contained notices of the "Iman Academy Annual Fundraising Gala" on March 25, 2012, and "Israeli Apartheid Week" March 19-23 which invited guests to "Join us as we stand in solidarity with the Palestinians in their 64 year old struggle against Israel's U.S. backed imposition of apartheid and oppression". This is akin to a Christian or Jewish school advertising on the same page as Nazi's or the Ku Klux Klan. In light of the types of groups that Iman Academy has chosen to associate with, I'm not sure that TAPPS' investigation and questioning were thorough enough. The bottom line is this; parents, whose children are enrolled in TAPPS schools are paying for their children's education in addition to helping fund the public school system through our taxes. We're not asking for help or sympathy, we just want to be left alone. TAPPS has been more inclusive of differing faiths than most religious organizations. The public school system is one of the most religiously intolerant institutions on the planet. The news media is completely intolerant of Christian and Jewish faith. The Catholic Church is tolerant, when it suits them. Islam is totally intolerant of other faiths. This is a smear campaign by the media, the political left, and Muslim extremists. I don't know if Margaret McGettrick and the Catholic Church have been unwittingly co-opted, or if she believes the drivel she spewed to the left wing Houston Chronicle. Either way, they would be wise to open their eyes and remember which people have had their backs. As for anyone else reading this, who agrees in full or in part, remaining silent and allowing this to continue, will NOT make it go away. Those who disagree, keep it to yourself; I couldn't care less!