"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

Friday, March 2, 2012

Democrats Desperate and Horny

With over 10% unemployment, gas prices approaching $4 a gallon, American soldiers being murdered in Afghanistan, and a possible war with Iran looming; Democrats have searched their souls and chosen the issue that they hope will decide this year's elections and the future of America: "rubbers". Well, to be fair, it's not just rubbers, but all forms of birth control. Over the last couple of weeks the Democratic Party, or as I like to think of them,"the left ass cheek of America", has become completely unhinged over a ridiculous issue that doesn't even exist. This entire charade was launched by the DNC public relations department; also known as the main stream media. A couple of months ago, George Stephanopoulos, former right hand man to Bill Clinton, pulled a question on birth control out of his ass and posed it to Mitt Romney during a debate. Until that point, contraception hadn't been an issue in American politics for about 50 years. Since that point, Democrats in congress, Democrat activist groups, and the Democrat media have worked relentlessly, fabricating their latest hysteria crisis. This effort may be the most desperate of all Democrat scare campaigns. The premise? "Republicans want to ban birth control." What is the basis of this assertion? What evidence have they presented to support it? Well, ...nothing: no previous statements by Republicans, no recently uncovered videos, no proposed legislation; not one damn thing. So, let's cut the crap. No Republican running for office, currently holding office, or that's held office in recent memory has suggested ANYTHING regarding banning, limiting, or restricting contraceptives. Neither the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, or any other significant religious organization has lobbied for legislation that would ban or limit access to contraceptives. These are the facts and the Democrats haven't gotten the wrong impression or misunderstood the Republican's position on this; they're just lying because that's what they do. All of the things that were key issues in the 2008 elections, such as economic growth, unemployment, the national debt, govt. spending, and the wars in the Middle East; have gotten worse...much worse! Even with the overwhelming number of idiots that make up the Democrat voting base, you can't go to war with that record. At this point, a lot of people who voted for Obama last time aren't satisfied with blaming it all on Bush; they need a new reason to support Democrats. The left saw this coming and reached for their favorite tactic" Making up shit to scare people". The problem with that is; you have to keep coming up with new catastrophes. Global warming was a great scam in it's day, but it's worn out it's welcome. When you spend 40 years warning people that the earth is melting, eventually, they expect to see some evidence of it. The Obamas have done their best to convince us that we're too fat to survive as a nation; even going so far as to suggest that obesity is a threat to national security. A couple of problems with that though: one, we keep living longer and healthier lives and, two, we don't give a damn what your bogus stats say; don't tell us what to eat! At least the melting planet and the fat ass scares were well planned, with manufactured studies and statistics to back them up. As for "The Great Condom Crisis of 2012", they've got nothing. The strategy is; tell the people Republicans want to take away your rubbers and keep women at home, in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant; then hope there are enough of them stupid enough to believe it. It's comical! Democrats in congress and the media were in a psychotic rage yesterday over the fact that Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, a slut. Well, she told Congress and the nation that her and her friends couldn't afford enough contraception to cover all the sex they were having, and damn it, the rest of us should pay for it. She said they need about $1,000 a year. I'm sorry, but hookers don't spend that much on contraception. A lot of Americans, including me, were thinking , "Damn, what a slut." Rush was just one of the few that had enough balls to say it. If you don't want people talking about your sex life, don't broadcast it. I can't believe that this is the issue Democrats want to ride with, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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